Need some HELP with Diamond CS programs!

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by Bowserman, May 2, 2003.

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  1. Bowserman

    Bowserman Infrequent Poster

    Apr 15, 2003
    South Australia
    Just purchased all three programs from Diamond CS(yipee :D), and have a few questions I would like answersed please.

    BTW, I am running XP Home with SP1 and all critical updates thereafter.
    Heres the questions:

    1.) The friendly greetings are turned on, but there is no speech when TDS-3 starts, why?

    2.)Will TDS-3/Wormguard/PortExplorer conflict with any of my other security applications? (refer below)

    3.)Will I no longer need any of my other security applications, and if so, then wich ones?

    Many thanks in advance, Jade.


    Trend PCCillin 2002,
    Gladiator AntiVirus-as on demand second scanner,
    Spybot S&D 1.2,
    Adaware 6.0 free-build 162,
    MRU Blaster,
    Norton Ghost 2003 with second removable harddrive,
    The Proxomitron and Kerio Personal Firewall 2.1.4.
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Bowserman,

    Welcome and congratulations on your purchase! :)

    Others will be along to answer the other questions, but, I wanted to touch on the list of other products you have. That is a good list of software, in my opinion, and no, the three DCS products do not replace any of them, but do complement them well.

    Your anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, backup software, etc. all do different things than the DCS tools (anti-trojan, worm/script protection, and network analysis). With the addition of these tools, you've pretty much got your system covered.

    Best Wishes,
  3. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Hello Bowserman,
    welcome to the forum and the DCS family!
    You just did the best buy in security land and you'll notice security can be even lot of fun using these tools!

    The friendly greetings need the speech engines, which are part of the msagent speech technology, so beside the SAPI5 speech engine included in your XP you'll need to get the runtimes for SAPI4 and you might like to install some msagent characters from your install cd-rom or grab the main ones from the msagent website.
    Don't get there the steering part of the msagents as you have those already installed in an updated version in XP, maybe you need some of the language packs, that's a part of trying out.
    In this thread here i explained to another XP user, also for some settings.;start=15
    Once you've got it all in order you might like to type something in the bottom of the TDS console like
    speak "hello there!" and if you also got the msagent character Genie you can try to load from the SS3 > Load script > User submitted > Jooske > InnerPeace.SS3
    If everything went well you can test the TDS + speech + msagents and euhmmmmmm the script will give some nice instructions :D

    Your other questions were answered by LWM already.
  4. Bowserman

    Bowserman Infrequent Poster

    Apr 15, 2003
    South Australia
    Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Glad to hear that my programs are fine - forgot to mention that I am running System Safety Monitor as well :).

    Now, about the speech in TDS-3. The only file I could find to download was the SpchCpl.exe. Cannot find the others!

    Please help. As I would really like this feature.

    Regards, Jade
  5. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Hi again Jade,
    I see they changed the pages a bit.
    There you find the spchapi.exe This file ships with TDS as well but needs to be run separately to connect to the speech engines.
    In the thread i mentioned before i explained to disable for a moment the SAPI5 which ships with XP to be able to run the SAPI4 which is needed for the msagents speech technology in TDS. SAPI 5 is a different technology, not an update from the 4 unfortunately which could have eased the process :)
    If it still doesn't give speech after installing that file (runtimes) when you type in the TDS console
    speak "hello there!" then you might need more speech engines, but i thought all those text-to-speech engines would be included in XP.
    Please tell how it goes.
  6. Bowserman

    Bowserman Infrequent Poster

    Apr 15, 2003
    South Australia
    Jooske, you are a champion mate :D. All that I needed to do was install a speech engine. I don't know why my XP HE didn't have it installed in the first place! Not to worry though, 'cos it's all systems go now ;).

    A very many thanks indeed, Jade.

    BTW, your Genie script is a crack-up.
  7. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Glad it's solved and that you like it.
    Via the private parts in the DCS forums, in SS3 scripting area, you will find Andreas(W) downloadsite where you find the CokeMachine script.
    It will need in the scripts only a few changes in the URLs, if i remember well only in the Helpfile.exe from that script;
    even though it is an exe you can open in in wordpad and scroll all down to the readable parts where you can edit carefully the correct urls and locations on your system.
    If you in the msagent site also got the speech recognition engine (about 6mb d/l) and have a microphone on your system you can use that part voicecontrolled and with that start and stop lots of functions on your system like a real desktophelper. As you can use that standalone you can even start TDS with it and (if you corrected the paths) jump to the forum.
    If you get MASH (an editor for msagents) changing and adding to that file is much easier.
    Have fun!
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