Need opinons about my new laptop

Discussion in 'hardware' started by tisungho, Aug 31, 2008.

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  1. tisungho

    tisungho Registered Member

    May 27, 2007

    I just ordered a Lenovo Thinkpad X61s. It's truly ultraportable (weight:1.31 kg).

    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo L7500, 1.66 GHz
    RAM: DDr II SDRAM 677 MHz 2 GB
    HDD: S-ATA 160 GB, 5400 rpm
    Monitor: 12.1 Inch XGA ( 1024 x 768 )
    Built-in graphic card
    OS: XP Pro (I don't know why it's not Vista)
    Weight:1.31 kg

    What do u think about it? Is it good? Can I upgrade to Vista from Lenovo?
  2. ThunderZ

    ThunderZ Registered Member

    May 1, 2006
    North central Ohio, U.S.A.
    Not a bad little lap top. Have been looking at the R61e 15.4" models myself. I had even called them about having XP installed instead of Vista, or no OS. They said it was not possible. How ever I did check their site and all necessary drivers for XP were available. You could do the same for Vista.

    Here is their PH.# 1-877-958-4465 directly from their site, give them a call.

    Are you sure it comes with XP ? Just took a look at the model(s) you are getting, did not see any with XP. Perhaps it is a refurbished, or previously leased lap top.
  3. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    I have an X60 tablet and I love it. I might be coming with XP Tablet. You should have had the option if you ordered it from the Lenovo site.
  4. HURST

    HURST Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Nice little laptop. Those are decent specs for an ultraportable.
    I would be really happy if it really comes with XP instead of Vista :D
    Maybe you could buy some extra RAM, if you fell like you need it, but 2 gigs are enough for XP.
  5. ThunderZ

    ThunderZ Registered Member

    May 1, 2006
    North central Ohio, U.S.A.

    One other thought. I would consider upgrading to a 7200 rpm drive. Spec out the drive options available. Mainly seek\write times etc. You may\will get a slight performance increase as well.
  6. farmerlee

    farmerlee Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    Looks good, similar specs to my sony vaio ultraportable. You might want to keep XP though, i run vista on my sony and while its great to use its performance isn't great.
  7. tradetime

    tradetime Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    Yep looks like a nice little portable, I'd also stay with the XP. I plan to skip Vista altogether.
  8. tisungho

    tisungho Registered Member

    May 27, 2007
    Thanks guys!
    I decided to buy this one because I've heard a lot of good things about Thinkpad laptops, except many applications from the manufacturer running during Windows starts.
    At first, I was considering about having 7200 rpm HDD. Since I ordered from a Swedish website, and there is no customization feature like Lenovo homepage in US, I had to buy it with pre-defined specifications. But it's fine anyway!
    I don't know why it has XP installed not Vista. I'm happy with XP too, but I've heard that Microsoft will not support XP soon, so I need Vista for the future ;)
    Another issue is that Windows XP is in Swedish version. I'm wondering if I can change it to Englisho_O
  9. Osaban

    Osaban Registered Member

    Apr 11, 2005
    Milan and Seoul
    IMO you have a problem there: You should have asked for the English version straight away. On the other hand support during the first month should be able to change it for you, a bit of a waste of time though.
  10. Searching_ _ _

    Searching_ _ _ Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Laptops s*#|(.

    You can only upgrade ram, HDD, (maybe cd/dvd). o_O

    Manufacturers do not support non OEM software, they won't provide drivers. o_O
    This includes alternate OS's. o_O If your laptop ships with Vista 32bit and decide you would like to use Win XP or Vista 64bit, some manufacturers won't provide drivers.
    That means every device must have a driver you have to find somewhere else. Ethernet, wifi, video, sound, card readers, power management to name a few. :mad:

    Video is almost always integrated. Your stuck with it until the laptop dies. :eek:

    Bios setup access is limited by most manufacturers compared to desktops. o_O
    Some bios flashes are so bad, you can't revert back to older bios once flashed to new. :'(
    If something breaks, you might as well throw it away and purchase another one vs. the cost of repair. o_O :'(

    Manufacturer states you will get 3 hours on 1 charge. Your lucky if you can watch 1 DVD movie before it needs to be plugged in, :mad: better not choose Dances with Wolves. :shifty: Stick with the 3 Stooges instead. :D

    There is a positive side. You will appear cool and productive. :cool::rolleyes:
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