Need Help - Using ATI Home v11 8053 - cannot find proper serial number

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by steve02usa, May 26, 2008.

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  1. steve02usa

    steve02usa Registered Member

    May 11, 2008
    Hello Everyone - First off, thank you for taking time to read this post. I have been using ATI Home v11 since December 2007. I have applied the newest upgrade, 8053, from the Acronis website. As I said everything has been working perfect on all my machines. I have a LEGAL LICENSED copy for each machine.

    About 1 month ago, the full backup process started failing on all of my machines. It would get an error indicating a failure writing to my backup device. It would say, "bad media, etc". This ONLY HAPPENED on FULL BACKUPS. The incremental backups still worked with no problems. I have tried to work with support for over 3 weeks, with no resolution. They keep asking me to do the same tests over and over and over and over again. You get the picture. I keep sending results, they keep asking to do the same tests.

    OK... today I decided to take one of my machines and Unintsall the ATI v11 completely. My machine is running XP Pro, SP2 with all updates applied as of Feb 2008. The uninstall worked perfect. I had to use the Add/Remove program function in Control Pannel since ATI does not provide an uninstall process. Once the uninstall finished, I rebooted the machine. I then went ahead and installed ATI v11 from the original CD. I put in the registered serial number located on the CD box. This is the same LEGAL serial number I had used on the initial installation. This also worked perfect. I rebooted as instructed. Next I applied the Update from Acronis, 8053, waited for it to finish and then rebooted as instructed. After the reboot finished I tried to bring up the application, and immediately received the following error message "Acronis True Image Home cannon find the proper serial number. You should reinstall the pgm."

    My question to the forum... What gives? Why does ATI not work after doing a reinstallation per their instructions? What do I need to do? I have gone ahead before doing this positing and went thru a COMPLETE UNINSTALLATION and REINSTALLATION for the second time, and I still receive the same error. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can fix this problem? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  2. TerryFox

    TerryFox Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    Hi ... If you register with ATI site you can log into their site and check to see if your keys match with what on there . Look under the " registered products " it will show the keys .
  3. GroverH

    GroverH Registered Member

    May 10, 2006
    Massachusetts, USA
    Each version or build is a standalone installation. Many of us refuse to install an upgrade overtope a previous without doing an uninstall first. Acronis says an uninstall is not necessary but many of the "oldies" on this forum always perform an uninstall first.

    You will need your serial number and a prior version serial number if you are installing an version upgrade (10 to 11). From what you have written you will only need the original serial number with installing the newest build of v11.
  4. steve02usa

    steve02usa Registered Member

    May 11, 2008
    Thank you everyone for your assistance. I found the resolution. As mentioned by GoverH, I went aheand and only installed the update installed of the base and the update. When doing this it worked perfect. Even though Acronis says you DON'T HAVE TO UNINSTALL THE PREVIOUS VERSION, don't believe them!!! Always UNINSTALL THE PREVIOUS VERSION. This way you will not have problems with installing the update to the base version.
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