Need buying advise...

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by rap, Oct 25, 2005.

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  1. rap

    rap Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2005
    Choosing a backup/recovery program for my laptop is more difficult than I expected. I've been reading many forums including this one and CNET. CNET has rants on GHOST and TI 8.0, except for a couple of flames, has pretty good feedback. TI9 has many issues on this forum.

    I'm leaning toward TI8.0 as it's still avaliable and then upgrade to TI9.0 when is settled down a bit more.

    I have a brand new laptop with lots of stuff loaded and WORKING and don't want this messed up with backup software but I do feel vulnerable in that sooner or later the HDD will die or not boot for some reason.

    Are all these horror posts I'm reading getting to me like the constant news reports about hurricanes!?!

    I would appreciate any recommendations... I plan to buy a USB external drive for the back up location, I don't care to use the "safe zone" feature in TI9. Now I run an old Iomega QuickSync program but it has many problems like not backing up open files...

    Need some help from the experts...thanks
  2. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Hi rap, welcome to Wilders.

    I would purchase TI 9.0 but ask for a link as well to 8.0, this way you will have a fully functional program until Acronis sort out the issues with the latest version.

    Hope this helps...

    Cheers :D
  3. PhantomVette

    PhantomVette Registered Member

    Oct 8, 2005
    I suggest TI8 in the short term. Ghost has problems -- my biggest one is that during Ghost imaging everything says it is good, including the Ghost checker, and you find that the image is corrupted when you need it. One problem is with file names that are too long. They copy into the Ghost image without error but lock up the process when you try to re-image or explore the image. I have found no way to fix this problem except to not image long filenames. Problem is that some of these are created by surfing internet sites and you have no control of it and DOS will not handle long filenames, either.
  4. foghorne

    foghorne Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    Leeds, Great Britain
    Hi Rap, I suggest you download the latest trial of TI9 and see if that works for you. It does for many people and it is being improved every week or two. If it does then go for TI9. If not go for TI8.

    [Pedantic point, but I think you mean advice (n), not advise(v)]

    Let us know how you get on with TI9.
  5. rap

    rap Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2005
    Re: Need buying advise...and new questions

    Decided to get TI8 at the local store. Installed and the first full image back up went just fine. Need to spend more time learning the program though.

    Question: Is there USB support when booting from the TI CD-ROM? In the event of disaster and your BU image is on a USB connected drive you would need the USB support to recover, right?

    Also, I downloaded the latest TI8 build, do I need to create a new boot CD with the latest build?
  6. como

    como Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2004
    Try the boot CD to make sure it can see your USB drive

    You are advised to make a new boot disk with every new build, many users use CD-RW to avoid coasters
  7. dld

    dld Registered Member

    May 6, 2005
    Re: Need buying advise...and new questions

    Yes to both questions.

    It is recommended to do so.
  8. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    One advertisement removed from this thread - I'll say it once again; this is the Acronis support forum, not the "post your free ads here" forum.
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