need backup suggestions on dual boot

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by abu shofwan, Mar 26, 2012.

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  1. abu shofwan

    abu shofwan Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    I had dual boot on 1 HD with 3 partitions;

    XP SP3 Pro (1st installed) with MBAM Pro,Avast IS7 & SBIE

    Win7 Ultimate with MBAM Pro,PCAV & SD.

    Both have Diskeeper installed.

    I've been thinking to install Rollback or EAZ-Fix on both OS, what do u think ?

    any input ?
  2. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Abu... it should work well as long as you follow the dual-boot instructions very carefully. Since RBrx is not very defragment friendly (causes very large snapshots at times), I would dump the running of Diskeeper on both systems. The way RBrx works won't require that disk fragmentation mgmt. What many RBrx users do, if they really feel they need to defragment often (I sure don't), is to occasionally unINSTALL RBrx to the CURRENT IMAGE, do any defragging or partition work they require only at that time, then reINSTALL RBrx. A proactive defragmenter like Diskeeper is definitely NOT recommended.

    I'm not sure what some of your acronyms mean (SD, SBIE) so I can't comment on the effect of those particular apps.
  3. abu shofwan

    abu shofwan Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    where could I find ? during RBrx installation ? does EAZ-Fix basically same ?
    so far,both running very smooth and pretty fast with Dk installed. I can't live without it :D . I wanna keep Dk but also don't wanna get disaster.
    SD=Shadow Defender
  4. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Abu... the dual boot installation is discussed somewhat here...

    Eaz-Fix is exactly the same program marketed through a different organization.

    RBrx doesn't really run "fast" or "slow"... it uses a very special driver that allows Windows to access what it thinks is in the current system state. There's very little overhead using it.

    You need to understand that RBrx manages the disk at the SECTOR level, not at the FILE level. So whenever there's any change to the disk SECTORS, RBrx must know of that for snapshot purposes. Now think about a disk defragger... it picks up and moves pieces of a file (SECTORs) all over the place to try and get the file contiguous in nature. This creates many SECTOR changes that Rollback has to keep track of... the file system really hasn't changed, just the sectors in use for a given file. That's why when you use a disk defragger all the time, whenever you have RBrx take a snapshot, all those sector changes are recorded in that snapshot... that's a lot of overhead for mostly nothing gained. AND that snapshot data takes up valuable disk space.

    Both SBIE and SD use virtual space to protect your system. Functionally, Rollback will protect your system in the same way, just not using the same method for doing so. The idea of this type of tool being a timeline manager is one of the coolest ideas I've come across in a long while... I also cannot live without it.
  5. abu shofwan

    abu shofwan Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    well said :thumb:
    I decided to try EAZ-Fix first without Dk uninstalled on win7 and let see how it goes :)

    thank for your input,TheRollbackFrog and also point out the link
  6. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Abu, one thing you really need to think about... RBrx is *NOT* a real backup solution for your system (see thread title). RBrx doesn't back up anything... it's an ISR (Instant System Restore) solution. As such, it WILL NOT protect you against a hard disk failure, which is primarily what BACKUP solutions do.

    Always allow imaging tools to have their place in any system management for backup purposes, and ISR tools to allow you to recover from many system configuration mistakes as well as most virus infection types. ISRs definitely have their place in an overall system management plan... but they are not BACKUP solutions.

    Good luck!
  7. abu shofwan

    abu shofwan Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    you are 100% correct :D that subject mislead.

    I already had Image For Window as imaging tool :)

    thank again
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