....continued here at the request of Joe https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showpost.php?p=2075486&postcount=4433
Round 2.... I just ran the new HMP 3.60 Build Beta 160...However, it was initiated at 6.36am, but due to my system freezing for 4 minutes or so, and until a popup from WSA at 6.40am, which started a countdown from 60 seconds, requesting internet connection,and allowed. After having regained control of my system, after allowing the forgoing popup by WSA, this immediately, then elicited another popup which, I could then capture a screenshot of: Scanning therefore commenced at approx 6.40am > See my post - https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showpost.php?p=2076016 From the History Report of WSA, it can be seen that I initiated HMP at 6.36am, then elapse of the 4 frozen minutes, before the scanning commenced. The next screenshot shows that scanning the scanning by HMP was finished at 6.52AM, and showing it was active for 16m 41s However the actual duration of the scan is shown to be 9m 2s. Thus, in future, to obviate further problems, it would appear advisable for me to shutdown WSA completely, before running HMP.
Hi, you have an unnecessary amount of real-time scanners which is causing this problem. Shut down WSA, EMA and SAS then scan with HMP.
SAS, EAM, are both in on demand mode, only. So, with respect, I don't agree. Also, I am aware that if I close WSA before running a HMP scan, I will have no problem.
Yours is free mine is paid as I like to support such things as this even though I'm quite secure with WSA! It found 47 cookies! TH
You mean to say because I haven't paid for my HMP, I get no (free) cookies! Ah!..that sucks! P.S. I do pay in time and effort, through beta testing.
Kinda off-topic but how can your PC be stable with all those sucurity solutions? How long does it take to boot don't they conflict? Ty!!
@ Tarnak - Are you still having any problems with HMP now? Just wondering! I tried it in my VM of XP Pro 32bit SP3 with VIPRE AV only & WSA and I have no problems scanning in 2min 46sec! TH
I was trying to point out the strange interaction (from my observation) of the triad of WSA, HMP and NVT Socket Sentinel Pro v 1.42, as initially pointed out by me in the HMP thread, recently. One thing, I can be certain of, is that I am surely the only one running those three with XP Pro SP3. So, whether I had a problem to begin with, or am still having a problem, or not, I really haven't any answer. It just is what it is, I guess. I haven't the technical skills to investigate. Also, the developers of the aforementioned softwares, haven't been in a rush to add anything that can/may shed a light. So, it may be best to let "let sleeping dogs lie".
It may be worth changing your WSA firewall settings if they are affecting HMP, but as long as you're working fine now, I think you're good to remain as-is