My friend updated Avast and now the computer has black screens at restart.

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by cheater87, May 28, 2008.

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  1. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    When she restarts her computer it flashes back a few times this happens before the windows screen comes up. The computer is also starting up a bit slower then usual. Is this because of Avast doing the rootkit scano_O
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  2. Tarq57

    Tarq57 Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Wellington NZ
    Hmm. I think I've noticed something similar, just for a few seconds, but didn't really pay too much attention to it, as I was doing other things around the same time. Changing firewalls, trying to debug same, and installing SP3.
    Is your friend the one whose' name starts with "s" and ends with "i" , and who seems reluctant to ditch AdAware? (And has she tried SAS instead, yet?) ;)
  3. Firebytes

    Firebytes Registered Member

    May 29, 2007
    The rootkit scan doesn't happen until a few minutes after the computer is booted, so the scan itself is probably not the problem. If she wants to though, she can right click the avast tray icon, select Program Settings, then select Troubleshooting on the left side of the window, and then check Disable rootkit scan on system startup, and see if that helps. I would suggest that if she hasn't already done so that she post her problem in the avast! 4.x Home/Pro forum.
  4. Firebytes

    Firebytes Registered Member

    May 29, 2007
    According to those in the know at the avast! forum the rootkit scan doesn't happen until eight minutes after system startup. So it's very unlikely that it is the problem. If she does try disabling it to troubleshoot though, be sure she remembers to re-enable it again afterwards.
  5. sooflymami

    sooflymami Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2008
    Hi I'm the one thats having this problem but I don't think it has to do anything with enabling rootkit scan because I believe it was already enabled before. This just happened AFTER I right clicked on the avast icon and then went to Updating-Program Update just today. Before I went there and updated, it wasn't like this before. Everytime when the green notice came up, I just clicked on it but this time I right clicked on that icon and then updated it from there. What do you think it might be? I want it back to normal without showing all those black screens.
  6. Tarq57

    Tarq57 Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Wellington NZ
    The Avast forum certainly would be a good place to look for help.
    Before going there, though, something that might help is to open the control panel, go to "add/remove programs, select "avast antivirus", click "change or remove" and try the "repair" option. Should take about a minute, maybe two, and often helps if it is an Avast-related problem.
    When you selected update from the icon (which always has worked OK, here), did it actually update the program? Or were you already running the most up to date one? (which is 4.8.1201)
    Be aware that during program updates, it can sometimes take a minute or two to download and install them. During that time it may appear that nothing's happening, and the CPU usage will be up around 30%. Closing or rebooting before it's finished could cause a problem, hence my advice to carry out a repair.
  7. sooflymami

    sooflymami Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2008
    Avast gave me the green notice thing but it didn't actually update the program..its still the same and I was already running the most up to date one
  8. Tarq57

    Tarq57 Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Wellington NZ
    I'm not familiar with the "green notice thing" you refer to. Try a repair anyway.
  9. sooflymami

    sooflymami Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2008
    Ok and Thats the thing when avast tells me that i have a new update asking me if i want to update it but since i missed clicking on that, i just went to program update by right clicking the icon. But this same issue is happening on my other computer too when i did the same thing by right clicking the icon and going to program update
  10. Tarq57

    Tarq57 Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Wellington NZ
    No idea, sorry. If the repair doesn't help (it doesn't hurt, honestly) try at the Avast forum. 'Tis a good, fast, and helpful forum with lots of expertise.
  11. sooflymami

    sooflymami Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2008
    oh ok and also, my browser has been acting slower than usual like when i click the X button in order to close it, it used to close right away but now its taking few seconds but do u think that might be related to that?
  12. Tarq57

    Tarq57 Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Wellington NZ
    Anything's possible. Try opening the taskmanager and see what's using the most CPU, see if anything's spiking, especially when you close the browser.
    To do that press "ctrl alt del" , select the CPU column, cycle it till the highest entry (normally system idle process, which usually is in the high nineties) is at the top. When you close the browser, what's immediately underneath, and how much does it use? You may have to monitor it for a while.
    Do you have your Avast providers set to "normal" or "high", and how many of the seven are running?
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