Multi user pc login question ?

Discussion in 'Ghost Security Suite (GSS)' started by crashuk2k1, Dec 7, 2005.

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  1. crashuk2k1

    crashuk2k1 Registered Member

    Dec 7, 2005
    Just installed GSS on My WinXp64 machine which i have to share with the mrs. Since the installation she cannot access her user profile. She clicks her icon but it does nothing, I have to log totally off my account then she can get in. any suggestions to cure this ? ( apart from dont let her use the pc :D )

  2. QuinnK

    QuinnK Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2004
    I have a similar situation. With or without 'fast user switching' activated, with another admin profile, if I just log off (or use FUS)... choosing either icon just flashes that desktop, then says 'saving preferences' then 'logging off'... and back to just the two icons. I have to restart to get back into either account. XP Pro.

    Thanks... Quinn
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2005
  3. crashuk2k1

    crashuk2k1 Registered Member

    Dec 7, 2005
    Got 6 days left of my trial mrs still cant get into her account with GSS running on my account . It Keeps nagging me to buy it ? But I get no help here so I guess i'll be uninstalling GSS & not buying it. Too bad seems like a good prog?
  4. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, crashuk2k1

    I do not know if these posts will be of any help [from about #6 or 7 down] Re: Blocking something at shutdown, because fast user switching is of a kind of shutdown it might just might be of some help.

    So you are getting a double nagging then one from the Wife, and one from a Ghost. :D

    Take Care,
    TheQuest :cool:
  5. Jason_R0

    Jason_R0 Developer

    Feb 16, 2005
    Hi Crash,

    It has been mentioned a few times before, but GSS doesn't work correctly with Fast User Switching, or multiple accounts in any fashion which would be called "user friendly". Alternatively, try shutting down the GUI and making sure all the rules in the .DEFAULT are set to "Ask user / allow" (except self termination), then try letting your wife log in. It should work in this case, just not very well.
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