Hello, Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-069 Flaw in Microsoft VM Could Enable System Compromise (810030) Originally posted: December 11, 2002 From today (at least in French) the VM to d/l is about 100 ko bigger. No informations nowhere about it. Is it the same for other languages ? Not the first time M$ adds something without any warning or documentation in a product. Any info ? TIA,
Hi JacK, http://ucsb.edu/pipermail/security-microsoft/2002-December/000177.html Is that what you're looking for? Regards, Pieter
Hello Pieter, No, it is not What I mean is that the size from de VM has changed from yesterday and nothing is mentionned in this article "fromMicrosoft Security Bulletin MS02-069 Flaw in Microsoft VM Could Enable System Compromise (810030) Originally posted: December 11, 2002" If M$ modified the VM it sould at least update the info. I don't like to see something especially from Mickeysoft VM without saying anything to the customers. It's a pity I am compelled to run it instead of SUN's Best regards,
Hi JacK, Sorry I misunderstood. You want to know what the extra 100 kb is for? Bloat? Or have they found a solution for a problem they didn't bother to tell us about? I'm not getting an offer to renew it on Windows update. Regards, Pieter
Hi Pieter, There is no new offer in WinUpdate, I happened to d/l it today and yesterday and the size has changed between (I am used to d/l from this address and save for future install and not installing online : http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/fr/default.asp?corporate=true Rgds,