More than 1 million children in the United States were affected by identity theft last year

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by hawki, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. hawki

    hawki Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2008
    DC Metro Area
    "More than 1 million children in the United States were affected by identity theft last year, according to a new study

    The study, released Tuesday by Javelin Strategy & Research, claims that in 2017, more than $2.6 billion in losses may be attributed to incidents of identity theft involving children. The out-of-pocket cost to families is estimated at over $540 million....

    The increased digitization of school and medical records follows a rising risk of data breaches impacting minors. According to the study, 11 percent of households had at least one child’s personal information become compromised in the past 12 months...

    The study also suggests that identities of minors are being “aggressively targeted.” Among households notified of a data breach involving a child, 39 percent fell victim to identity fraud. For comparison, only 19 percent of adults who were notified became fraud victims...."
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    182% Increase in ID Records on Darknet With Kids’ Personal Info Being Exploited
    May 9, 2018
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