Moderators: long wait times for replies in these forums

Discussion in 'ESET Server & Remote Administrator' started by Reedmikel, Feb 23, 2012.

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  1. Reedmikel

    Reedmikel Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    As a new user, I find I have a fair number of questions about EAV 4.2 Bus Ed, ERAC and ERAS (especially policy settings, few of which are documented). I have posted a number of threads, and often they go unanswered by the moderators. I am not talking about posts that I just made today...

    Is there something I am doing wrong? Maybe you need more staff?

  2. Trooper

    Trooper Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2005
    Its not as if the Eset mods live here on the forums 24x7. If you are having a problem with your Eset software, best thing is to open up a support ticket with them.
  3. Reedmikel

    Reedmikel Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    I'm not expecting same day answers (would be nice though :D ) What's confusing to me is when I see much more recent posts being answered, yet some of mine sit in limbo for many days or weeks.

    That seems to imply the moderators do not have any tools to help them find the oldest unanswered posts? So I imagine they quickly lose track of which ones need a reply? If I were a moderator, I'd start by working with the oldest threads that have 0 replies (so as to at least get the conversation going).

    As a Managed Service Provider, I get my ESET licenses thru Labtech. Supposedly I cannot call ESET directly (or use their ticket system). Instead it has to go thru Labtech, who in turn creates a ticket with ESET. But my experience with that process has been painful, as often ESET tech support fails to return the call to Labtech :'(

    So, it seems like this forum is my only means of getting support. And it's disappointing to discover that ESET does not seem to be adequately staffing these forums...
  4. Trooper

    Trooper Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2005
    That is unfortunate. If you need support that bad, I would just contact Eset directly anyway. Why use the middle man.

    Or maybe send a PM to Marcos. Be sure to give him all the details.

    Good luck.
  5. Reedmikel

    Reedmikel Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    As a new user trying to figure out software that lacks documentation (e.g. details about each policy settings), I just need a reasonable response time in this forum. Maybe 24-48 hours...

    Again, it's odd how some posts get answered quickly, others go unanswered for days or weeks (until I bump the thread). Again, my guess is that the moderators don't have good tools to follow up on all the posts (or ESET doesn;t view this as a true support forum?). I am sure the moderators are working hard and trying their best - and I do appreciate their answers. But it is frustrating to new users like me to have to wait...
  6. Trooper

    Trooper Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2005
    Not sure how it all shakes out. Again, send a PM to Marcos.
  7. Reedmikel

    Reedmikel Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    Thanks Trooper, I'll start sending PMs to remind Marcos of questions I'm still waiting for an answer on...
  8. Nod64

    Nod64 Registered Member

    May 3, 2011
    This is "supposed" to be the official support forum for ESET. I agree with the OP. Sending an IM does no good for the forum and questions should be shared among all so that people can find a solution to their issue.
  9. twl845

    twl845 Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2005
    I haven't seen any of your posts, but could it be your questions are involved or confusing? If they can't figure out what you're getting at they might not respond. It seems odd that only your posts don't get answered. I ask only because I have unintentionally done it myself on other forums, and by simply simplifying my question or changing it a bit, I get an answer. :)
  10. Reedmikel

    Reedmikel Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    Twl845 - I do not think it's a matter of my questions being confusing or too difficult, as I have some active threads where moderator (usually Marcos) has replied several times to followup questions, then no more replies to my last question. In one thread he said he was checking with the developers, but then never replied again (even after I asked for an update). Bottom line, I think they do not have very effective tools or procedures for following up on these forums :(
  11. Reedmikel

    Reedmikel Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    I even sent some PMs to Marcos earlier this week to remind him about threads that I am still waiting for answers to. he did not reply to any of my PMs o_O

    ESET - is there any other way for a MSP (I purchased NOD32 licenses thru Labtech) to get support in a more timely fashion? I am sure Marcos is doing his best, but it is clear I have overwhelmed him with technical questions (or he just doesn't have the necessary tools to follow up on all the unresolved threads in this forum). Also, I think his experience is more with the non-business version, so many of my questions are probably outside his realm of expertise...
  12. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
    ot post removed
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