MJ Registry Watcher Novice user Help

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Krafty, Oct 22, 2019.

  1. Krafty

    Krafty Registered Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    First thing to say is that I am no computer expert.

    I've used 'WinPatrol' for years on my Windows 8.1 laptop but will be getting a new laptop in the coming weeks which will have Windows 10.
    I found 'Winpatrol' straightforward to use. I only used the basics. Every so often I would get a popup and I would accept or not.

    I have uninstalled WinPatrol and installed 'MJ Registry Watcher' to test it before putting it on my new laptop.
    I've read that Winpatrol does not work on Windows 10 and it hasn't been updated for years.

    I've not touched any 'MJ Registry Watcher' settings yet but am wondering if some of the settings would be useful to change. I don't want to change anything in case I mess something up.

    Is it possible to let 'MJ Registry Watcher' run as 'WinPatrol' did and only show itself when needed?

    A question about 'MJ Registry Watcher' starting up automatically:

    • If restarting to complete the install (for instance) of Windows Updates and I have 'MJ Registry Watcher' to start at startup will it cause a problem which I didn't have with 'WinPatrol'?
    • If I decide to automatically start 'MJ Registry Watcher' at startup what do I need to do?
    I've had a look at the setting to start at startup but don't understand what I need to do.

    When shutting down my laptop do I need to exit 'MJ Registry Watcher' first or don't I have to do anything?

    As it is constantly scanning, does this mean that information if being written onto the hard drive constantly?

    I've attached an image of a popup I've had but don't know what it's telling me.
    If someone could explain what it means. Thanks

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019
  2. Bill_Bright

    Bill_Bright Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2007
    Nebraska, USA
    WinPatrol works just fine on W10. I have it installed on several W10 systems here. But you are right and sadly, it has not been updated in over 2 years, nor does it look like any development will resume.

    Having said that, if I did not already own several lifetime licenses of WinPatrol Plus, I don't think I would even use it - or any alternative like MC RegWatcher. They are not needed.

    W10 starts out very secure and the included Windows Defender works just fine as a fully capable anti-malware solution - as long as you keep W10 and WD updated, a requirement regardless your primary scanner of choice.

    That said and also regardless your primary scanner, I always recommend we keep a secondary scanner handy for on-demand verification our primary scanners or we, as users and always weakest links in security, didn't let something slip by. I generally recommend Malwarebytes for that.
  3. Krafty

    Krafty Registered Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    That's interesting to know.
    Do you think Windows UAC, set at it's highest setting does a good job? Does that work on stopping registry changes?

    I did find WinPatrol helpful though, if something popped up that I didn't want, I could stop it from installing.
  4. Bill_Bright

    Bill_Bright Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2007
    Nebraska, USA
    Setting UAC will certainly stop most - but I think you will be nagged all the time. Really, the defaults in W10 work just fine. W10 does not have to be tweaked to death like previous versions of Windows. If you keep it updated, don't partake in illegal activities, and are not "click-happy" on every link, attachment, download and popup you see, the defaults are just fine.
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