Mirrors & Windows XP Home

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 1 Forum' started by ob5, Jun 19, 2003.

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  1. ob5

    ob5 Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2003

    I have been attempting to set-up a mirror system on an XP Home network.

    I have no problems creating the mirror files.

    But I cannot get the clients to update from the mirror.

    I have read both the FAQ on this and Anders "quick walkthrough" for Win2K (included below).

    I have used exactly the set-up described by Anders (except for the server name) but get the following response on the client machines;

    "server connection failure".

    I can of course just up-date all of the clients from the web but I like to do my bit to save bandwidth.

    Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


    John C

    NOD32 system information
    Version:         1.442 (2003061:cool:
    Installed on:      06/18/2003
    Virus database build:   3051
    Environment version:   1.047
    Last Update attempt:   06/19/03 08:24:22

    Operating system information
    Platform:   Windows XP
    Version:   5.1.2600 Service Pack 1
    Common controls version: 5.82.2800
    RAM:   511 MB

    Diagnostics information
    Base module build:   3025

    Anders walk through;
    Re:NOD32 Updates on Win2K PC
    « Reply #1 on: November 19, 2002, 06:36:13 AM »

    There are two common pitfalls when updating NOD32 over a LAN.

    Here's a quick walkthrough I made earlier:


    On mirror-machine: (computer name: THESERVER)

    - Download from NOD32-server using the username and password received at purchase.

    - In the mirror setup, choose which versions to create mirrors for.

    - Enter a path to an existing directory where the mirror files should be stored. (for example: C:\Program Files\ESET\NOD32UPD)

    - Share that folder, giving read access to an account on the mirror-machine. (For example, create the account "noduser") Share the folder as "NOD32UPD".

    - No username/password should be entered in the mirror setup.

    On client machine:

    - Open NOD32 Control Center.

    - Click the "Servers..." button.

    - COMMON PITFALL 1: Add the server: file://THESERVER/NOD32UPD

    - COMMON PITFALL 2: Enter the username and password to access the updates. The username in this example should be: THESERVER\noduser
    The password should be the password of the user "noduser" on the computer with the mirrors (THESERVER)
  2. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi ob5,

    have you tried the NOD v2?

    It has helped to one of ours "happy campers" .

    More info here.

    Thanks, :)

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