Minor issue with XP start menu

Discussion in 'MRU Blaster Forum' started by razorbjc, Jul 30, 2003.

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  1. razorbjc

    razorbjc Guest

    The XP start menu has a list of recently used programs (not recently used documents). I ran MRU blaster and cleared all the lists including that one. Thats ok and all, but now the list won't take anymore entries. how come?
  2. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi razorbjc,

    In the menu above the start button there is an almost invisible line. Above it are (most likely) your browser and email-client.
    Can you drop a shortcut to one of your favorite or most used applications there (above that line) and tell us if it stays.


  3. Zidane

    Zidane Registered Member

    Jul 12, 2003
    Czech Republic, Europe, World, Space
    I have XP too and know about it - there are shortcuts to programs I add there - the program name is in bold font at the upper half and then there is that "thing" -in the bottom half - in normal font, last used programs, that got cleared by MRU B and where doesnt appear any more entries - but what counts - in the upper half, where the shortcuts are, I can add new shortcuts and it stays there all right :)

    The line you are speaking about moved to the very bottom and this might be it - there is no room under the line now :)

    I have XP Pro :)
  4. Florent

    Florent Guest

    Same problem here with XP start menu,

    I've found that the bug is linked with the item "Windows UserAssist MRUs".

    The key where are stored MFU programs (Most Frequently Used) is the following :

    Actually, the bug is not persistent, for me.
    The XP start menu is OK when I logoff-logon the current user.
    After logoff-logon, when I launch a program, then close it, an entry appears in the start menu for this program, after a short delay (1-2 minutes).

    To be exhaustive, the MFU programs of the XP start menu are controlled by the following keys :


    ; "Start_MinMFU"=dword:0000000a => 10 entries in the menu (default)
    ; "Start_MinMFU"=dword:00000005 => 5 entries in the menu

    I hope it will help.

  5. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Indeed - if you uncheck the "Windows UserAssist MRUs" option in the Settings area of MRU-Blaster, Windows will eventually recreate the list (it isn't immediate, but MRU-Blaster won't clean the data it collects anymore, and so the list will eventually be rebuilt).

    Best regards,

  6. Espionage

    Espionage Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2003
    hey i dont understand much of what ur saying but i also have this problem. please could u sum up how i can rebuild my list and stop mru from cleaning it again.
  7. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Uncheck the "Windows UserAssist MRUs" option in the Settings area of MRU-Blaster (a Settings button is available on the main screen of the program). Windows should rebuild the list slowly, and MRU-Blaster shouldn't clean it again.

    Best regards,

  8. Espionage

    Espionage Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2003
    do the "Windows UserAssist MRUs" just apply to the start menu or are there other things in windows it also does not delete if checked ?
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