Microsoft Windows Update (new)

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by Marianna, Nov 10, 2002.

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  1. Marianna

    Marianna Spyware Fighter

    Apr 23, 2002
    B.C. Canada
    I'm wondering if anyone with WinMe had problems with the new Microsoft Windows Update o_O

    I know someone who can't get into the Windows Update - she only gets "an administrator "thingy".

    Any idea's or suggestions appreciated :)
  2. snowy

    snowy Guest

    Yes.....I am getting the same notice.....tracking down the reason.....but having a computer problem keeping me from doing so right now............for certain the user is being directed to another security zone......also a word of caution......where ever that re-directed website is...the websites ceritificates are bad......I refused! I'll do without updates if need be....but wont accept bad certificates.

  3. Marianna

    Marianna Spyware Fighter

    Apr 23, 2002
    B.C. Canada
    Thanks Snowy ;)

    Sorry to hear you are having computer problems.
    If you somehow get "lucky" with Windows Update could you pls. let me know o_O

    Thanks for the warning, will pass on your message!

    Hope you can solve your own problem !
    Good Luck !
  4. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

  5. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    It's too bad that Microsoft is stopping normal Windows Update for those OS. I remember how it felt when all I had was Win 95, (not all that long back), and they dropped support for it. :( I ended up going out and getting a new XP system shortly after. The more support they drop over time, the more they can sell the newer OS systems, of course.
  6. Marianna

    Marianna Spyware Fighter

    Apr 23, 2002
    B.C. Canada
    HI Jan,

    thanks for the link - I already had read that particular thread :D

    All BUT one I know can get the windows update for WinMe - so I was wondering if there is a "quick fix" or whatever you call it o_O
  7. snowy

    snowy Guest

    Can't say this came as a surprise......have been expecting it for awhile.........
    M$ should still.....(an this said with a question mark....)
    need to continue issueing patches etc for its related products,,,internet explorer FE.......

    Those un-safe certificates imo is something of a concern.

  8. snowy

    snowy Guest

    ** copied and pasted: credit due poster at Lurkhere)

    The following is part of the "Privacy Statement" on the new Windows Update page
    "To provide you with the best possible service, Windows Update also tracks and records how many unique machines visit its site and whether the download and installation of specific updates succeeded or failed. In order to do this, the Windows operating system generates a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that is stored on your computer to uniquely identify it. The GUID does not contain any personally identifiable information and cannot be used to identify you. Windows Update records the GUID of the computer that attempted the download, the ID of the item that you attempted to download and install, and the configuration information listed above."
  9. Marianna

    Marianna Spyware Fighter

    Apr 23, 2002
    B.C. Canada

    thanks ;)

    She has seen that one and clicked on it - "yes" - didn't help her :mad:

    She still gets the "administrator-thingy" - it is WEIRD :D
  10. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    About that GUID is here a quote from the IEClean Helpfile:
    How to use the PRIVACY tab
    "Defeat identity 'GUID' tracking"

    This is a complicated issue brought on by IE5 and an extension and worsening of a problem that Microsoft got caught in earlier in 1999. Microsoft created a "Globally Unique IDentifier" for Microsoft Office, the "Registration Wizard" (REGWIZ) and Windows98 which included hardware information gathered from an ethernet card or other means of identifying a specific machine or person.

    If you examine your hard disk (if using IE5 or MS Office) you will find a folder named C:\WINDOWS\APPLICATION DATA\IDENTITIES. There will be at least one subfolder with a funny looking name similar to:


    The above is the "GUID" and consists of a hexadecimal number so large, it is unlikely to repeat until infinity is approached. It is a completely unique number. The last group of digits is particularly troublesome because it is derived from a hardware identifier (usually an ethernet card, but in the absence of one, a modem serial number, hard disk ID number or other hardware identifier (possibly even the Pentium III serial number)) is incorporated into the GUID to protect against "tampering."

    Newly added ActiveX controls, digital signatures for your MS Word documents and who knows what else are derived from this hardware identifier and the GUID is used by Office, Win98 and Outlook Express to pin an identity to what you may have hoped would be "anonymous" surfing. There is also a corresponding set of identifiers in Outlook Express using a key in the registry called:


    under which will be a GUID for each "user" as far as MS Office and Outlook are aware of. When you use Outlook's "switch identities," each identity has its own unique GUID and the EXACT SAME ending portion based on the serial number. Therefore, if you create aliases using Outlook's multiple account capabilities, all such aliases can be traced back to YOU. We had hoped others would have "discovered" this prior to us, but we've included what to look for so you can verify their existence on your own.

    If the "Block 'GUID person tracker' monitoring" item is selected in IEClean's SECURITY tab and you are using IE5 and Outlook 5, IEClean will create a brand new randomly-generated ALIAS GUID with no resemblance to the original data to allow you to escape the "mark." Each time you start IEClean with this option selected, the GUID is changed once again automatically. IEClean then relocates the data captured under the old GUID to the new randomized GUID as though it had always been there, undisturbed. IEClean writes out the randomized data as well as a protective "Seed" to confuse Microsoft's stuff in literally dozens of locations used by Microsoft to generate these various GUID chain numbers, causing the bogus data to be interpreted as "genuine" throughout your system. The result is the GUID mechanisms are defeated by IEClean. When this option is selected, any additional GUID's created by any other program will similarly be "randomized," rendering them useless as a reliable means of "person tracking."

    This option will also replace a key hidden under:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\(your#'s)\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\Mail\Rules\000\Criteria\000

    which points to "" when Outlook Express is installed. Since this data is in binary form, (all digits) a string search for this value in regedit will miss this unless you know the specific key (see above) and are willing to bring up the value to edit at which point you can then see it. When new accounts are generated by Outlook, each also has this address for reasons we sincerely don't know. In order to prevent your Outlook Express from sending email to Microsoft, your OWN email address will be inserted here to ensure that if any email is sent by the software, it will be sent to YOU instead of Microsoft. In order to ensure that your email address is placed here rather than a complete null, visit the SETTINGS tab and select an account to view in our boxes. Whatever email address appears on the last one you look at in there in the "real ID" settings is what will be placed in this key as the email address to be used INSTEAD OF ""

    About hardware identifiers

    There have been flaps over Intel placing a "hardware identifier" in the Pentium III chip. Remarkably, little has been made of similar hardware identifiers on ethernet cards, modems and hard disks. Hardware-based serial numbers are impossible to defeat. The reason is hardware can be accessed on an "absolute" basis by software and in "absolute" access, can defeat any attempts to "map over" data in software. A hardware solution ALWAYS wins.

    IEClean cannot protect you against the Pentium III problem any better than not having one or using Intel's "turn off the ID" software (which has already been defeated) or an ethernet card's "Mac address" which is also encoded in hardware. As far as the GUID issue goes though, this option in IEClean's SECURITY tab is about as good as it gets since the serial number seed for the GUID process *is* stored in memory.

    For MAXIMUM safety, NEVER permit java, javascript or ActiveX controls to run on your machine at any time. You can turn all of these off in the SECURITY tab while you're here. Maximum safety WILL interfere with some web sites that use these unsafe controls for fancy graphics but since most web sites nowadays carry banner ads, even if you trust the PAGE you're at, you shouldn't trust redirects to other sites to collect counters, banners and other gewgaws no matter where they are. If a site refuses to serve you without java, javascript or ActiveX controls, then it is a site to be avoided as it has no regard for your safety. These hardware identifier risks are only exposed when Java, javascript and especially Active X controls are permitted to run on your machine. If they're all turned off, then you're as safe as it gets.

    IEClean is Copyright 1996-2001 by Privacy Software Corporation
  11. snowy

    snowy Guest

    OUCH!!! Now that really hurts.......

    Jan.....thanks.....I was not awear of this

  12. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Snowman,

    You're quite welcome, as always!!!
    If you're using Internet Explorer and you got the money, just buy IEClean; you will not regret it! Just ask Luv2bsecure about this program.... ;).
    For Netscape users there is his brother NSClean.
    Read all about them at
    The support from Kevin and Nancy is absolutely first class!
    There is no trial version of IEClean, but a garanteed "no satisfaction, money back" policy.

    Have also a look at the new programs from Javacool (see the special forum-section on this board)!!!

    Warm regards, Jan.
  13. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Those having problems getting to new site is because of your security settings..
    The old site will redirect. Hovewer you may have to put this site in the trusted zone.
    Also, like in my case with using Naviscope, i had to uncheck few boxes in there to go through.
    New site as the same feel as those using win2k are accustomed to.
    I know, no one wants to trust Mickey$oft, but if you want the updates, that's the price to pay.................
  14. FanJ

    FanJ Guest


    I forgot to mention that for using the Windows-update-site I have to enable in IEClean (see screenshot):
    ActiveX, Java-data, Java-script.
    At least that's what I do; you could also put the Windows-update-site in the Trusted Zone of InternetExplorer and enable there those things.

    Attached Files:

  15. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Thanks Mickey !!!

    I didn't see your posting before I made my last one ;)

    Warm regards, Jan.
  16. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    You were just a min late, but that's cyber time ! ;)
  17. Ghost

    Ghost Guest

    Marianna - In case you missed it (due to the IE-Clean commercial :) ), the key here is to make sure you've re-added the new M$ Updates links to your "Trusted" zone - that's all it took here to re-enable this WinMe box's access to MSU and have it work correctly.
  18. Ghost

    Ghost Guest

    Now that I think about it, I already had "Require server verification (https: ) for sites in this Zone" un-checked in Tools/Internet Options/Security/Trusted Sites/Sites - don't know if that had anything to do with my fix being as simple as the above post indicates or not.

    Do you (or whoever's having the problem) have that un-checked as well?
  19. Marianna

    Marianna Spyware Fighter

    Apr 23, 2002
    B.C. Canada
    Ghost, THANKS :D

    We found some more "possibilities":

    Trouble using Windows Update

    First disable ALL other programmes, including antivirus and especially any pop-up window removers, ad-controllers and anything else internet related.

    Work your way through these links:

    Q241234 Third Party Products That Conflict with Windows Update

    Q268021 Cannot Start Windows Update Shortcut by Using "Run as" Command;EN-US;Q268021

    Q256962 Windows Update Site Identifies Windows 2000 Retail as Beta;EN-US;Q256962

    Q188207 Windows Update Web Site Prompts for Password;EN-US;Q188207

    Q286405 Error Message in Internet Explorer when Accessing Windows Update (not authorised);EN-US;Q286405

    Q252829 Warning Message When Gaining Access to Windows Update Web Site

    "..Do you want to install and run "C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate\";EN-US;Q252829

    Q319109 Windows Update Site Lists Updates That You Already Installed;EN-US;Q319109

    Q216299 Download Button Unavailable on Windows Update Web Site;EN-US;Q216299

    Q193647 Troubleshooting Windows Update Connection and Download Problems;EN-US;q193657

    Q232772 Device Driver Is Not Downloaded from the Windows Update Web Site;EN-US;Q232772

    Q316540 Error Message Appears When You Use the Windows Update Site (script error);EN-US;Q316540

    Q243787 Err Msg: "Cannot Display Page";EN-US;Q243787

    Q193701 Blank Page Appears When Attempting to View Windows Update

    Q317228 "Unknown Error (-2147024770)" Error Message with Windows Update;EN-US;Q317228

    Q315496 "Java Script Void (0)" Downloading from Windows Update Web Site;EN-US;Q315496

    Q217115 "Invalid Syntax" Connecting to Microsoft Windows Update Web Site;EN-US;Q217115

    Q319585 Error "Software update incomplete, this Windows Update;EN-US;Q319585

    Q193385 Problems When Viewing or Downloading From Windows Update;EN-US;Q193385

    Q316540 Error Message Appears When You Use the Windows Update Site;EN-US;Q316540

    Q318892 Search for Updates Loops (repeats) and Windows Update Fail;EN-US;Q318892

    Q312955 Windows Update May Not Work in Windows XP If an Authenticating Web Proxy Is Used;EN-US;q312955

    Q241783 Errors Using Windows Update Through a Proxy Server...;EN-US;Q241783

    Q194174 Windows Update Does Not Continue After Clicking Product Updates

    Q234272 Error Message: Thank You For Your Interest in Windows Update...;EN-US;Q234272

    Q291431 Windows Me Updates Fail When Using Norton System Doctor;EN-US;Q291431

    'When running Windows Update under Windows Me, errors occur when Norton System Doctor is running'

    Q241876 Windows Update Web Site No Longer Downloads Add-Ons in English;EN-US;Q241876

    Q237820 Windows Update Site Appears in a Different Language;EN-US;Q237820

    Q250288 Windows Update Web Page Is Displayed in Wrong Language;EN-US;Q250288

    Q230054 Can Not Access Windows Update When Using Netscape;EN-US;Q230054

    Q188244 Windows Update Wizard Only Works with Internet Explorer;EN-US;Q188244

    Q217116 Permission Denied Error When Accessing Windows Update;EN-US;Q217116

    Group policy/restriction issues

    Q273574 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 Ignores Windows Update Policy;EN-US;Q273574

    Group Policy Does Not Disable All Windows Update Components [Q279006];EN-US;Q279006

    About (and how to) for Windows Update

    How to Remove the Windows Update Tool in Windows 98 [Q189525];EN-US;Q189525

    How the Windows Update Tool Determines if an Update Is Valid [Q189306];EN-US;Q189306

    Administrator restrictions when trying to use Windows Update.
    Try searching your registry for the following DWORDS:


    Microsoft has released a KB about this problem:

    Q228548 Windows Update Was Disabled by YourSystem Administrator"

    Q316524 "Administrators Only" Err Msg Trying to Use Windows Update Site;EN-US;Q316524
  20. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    microsoftupdate to "refresh" site November 18

    Thanks to Bella at


    Posting from the microsoft.public.windowsupdate NG regarding the updtae
    errors and site problems.

    F/U's set to,
    as I wasn't sure where this would best fit.


    >-----Original Message-----
    >This came to me from the assisted support site. I thought
    >some people might be interested.
    >Thank you for contacting Microsoft.
    >Thank you for contacting Windows Update Site Support. The
    >Windows Update Site was recently refreshed. Due to the
    >site changes, we currently have a large back log of
    >customers requesting assistance. We have identified some
    >issues to be web site related and we are refreshing the
    >site again on Thursday, November 14, 2002 and again on
    >Monday, November 18, 2002 to address these issues.
    >Due to these upcoming web site modifications, we
    >that you try the Windows Update Site again after Monday.
    >This will allow the changes to take place and possibly
    >correct the issue that you are experiencing.
    >In the mean time, we have alternate locations for you to
    >obtain updates for your computer:
    >Windows 98 Downloads
    >Windows Me Downloads
    >Internet Explorer Downloads
    >Security Updates
    >Windows 2000 Downloads
    >Windows NT Downloads
    >Windows XP Downloads
    >We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your
    >patience during this time.
    >Microsoft Online Customer Service Representative
  21. Pretender

    Pretender Registered Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    Virtual Paradise
    They were suppose to have refreshed the site today so perhaps some of the problems will be resolved. If not then you might post at:
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