Microsoft wants its exFAT file system in the Linux kernel August 28, 2019
The specification allows anyone to implement exFAT (patent issue to be put aside by MS). The wording by venturebeat is inaccurate. Only Microsofts implementation is proprietary. There is already opensource exFAT code from Samsung.
Linux Kernel 5.7 To Include The New exFAT File-system Driver Code March 9, 2020
Fortunately its trivial to add exFat to Debian from their repo's. I used to use exFat more than now. I especially like non-logging filesystems and being a single user I don't have needs such as NTFS for multi-user purposes. At one point I was using exFat on my TrueCrypt volumes with modified code. NTFS made hidden vault construction "ugly" for concealment.
I find exFAT to be painfully slow compared to other file systems. I also dislike how when copying files from an exFAT partition to a flash drive it copies the files in order of created date instead of alphabetically as NTFS does. Unfortunately NTFS will not be coming to other OSes.
The exFAT filesystem is coming to Linux—Paragon software’s not happy about it March 25, 2020