Microsoft VP confirms Windows 7 ship date: January 2010

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Thankful, Jun 25, 2008.

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  1. Thankful

    Thankful Savings Monitor

    Feb 28, 2005
    New York City
  2. jonyjoe81

    jonyjoe81 Registered Member

    May 1, 2007
    I think the following quote tells you all you need to know about "windows 7"

    Any more questions.
  3. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    Hi jonyjoe81,
    not really i mean windows 2000 was terrible when it first came out and now
    with service pack 4 is great and ultra reliable. windows xp was rubbish at first but with service pack 2-3 its great.
    service pack 1 for vista solved most issues.

    since its still based on vista does that mean it still includes the horrible registry?
    i was hoping windows 7 would get rid of that.
    and just have it so programs are in there own folders and completely seprate just like in linux and mac.
  4. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK
    No it does not tell me much about Windows 7.
    Windows XP built off the core of Win2K, Windows 98 off the core of 2003, but does not tell me anything about the differences between them.

    My main question is, will Windows 7 support ultra compact/cheap machines like the Asus EEE laptop ?

    Will it support a command line only interface, like Server 2008 ?

    What are the major features that will change, what will be new, what will be removed ?
  5. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
  6. jwcca

    jwcca Registered Member

    Dec 6, 2003
    Most likely, if history repeats itself, even Microsoft doesn't know. Promise everything, then deliver what (almost) works until a service pack can be rolled out (maybe two SPs, or SP2013 at worst). So, don't ask an unanswerable question. Just trust MS to roll out something for which they can say "Give me your money, we've "given" you all "this" ".

    Edit after seeing the previous post, tongue in cheek, as stated by Bigc73542, emphasis on the key word "little":
    "This might give you a little insight into what will be in windows 7"
    with an added "very" in front. Oh, yes, replace "will" with "might" to read as:
    "This might give you a little insight into what might be in windows 7".
    Which is why we know Microsoft as "The MIGHTy matey (maybe)" or, said acrinomically, MS-MMM, just remember, the MMM does NOT mean "yummmy".
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  7. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    Well that is where the fun is. Waiting every month for a new chapter in the MS novel about the addition or removal of features. And usually the humorus punch line is when it will be released. I am looking forward to the excellent fictional writings.
  8. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    "Windows 7 ship date: January 2010"
    :D :D
    Has MS EVER released as per 'announced' date: big grains of salt to be taken thinks I.
    We could run a book: pick a date : put your $$ down.
  9. HURST

    HURST Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    For what that gizmodo article says, seven will be Vista+multitouch.
    I don't think there's even the slightest chance that subnotebooks can handle that.

    And hopefully they add something useful instead of that "multitouch piano app"
  10. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK
    Microsoft is going to have to be a lot more careful this time.
    With Vista not being anywhere as sucessful as XP or even 2000 so far, Microsoft can't risk Windows 7 being a flop, as there will be no fall back, by then XP will only be on life support.
    By careful, I think they will not attempt anything too radical, but this could be a good thing, as windows 7 could have what was removed/missing from Vista with a good bit of spit and polish.

    I did blog this on my site recently.
  11. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Windows NT 7? The same kernel all over again, with various cosmetics and patches ontop the 15 years old architecture? And now the "multitouch" cow bells? lol
  12. HURST

    HURST Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    What happened to the idea of building a super-light kernel?
  13. EASTER

    EASTER Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2007
    U.S.A. (South)
    Now that would be nice.

    I have few dislikes and expectations like everyone else. Here they are.

    First off, Windows 7, the name conjures up doubt for me as if it will be another Vista clone of sorts, and i certainly hope they don't do that now Balmer is in full control, but is a real possibility.

    A "LITE" kernel with extraordinary built in protection parameters to at least offer the user/client a choice should something forceful try to act to compromise it is on a wish list of my own.

    It's all over the news and stock reports here in the USA that Microsoft's stock has dipped almost on the same price level as Yahoo who they approached with a buy out offer. Not only that but the Microsoft shareholders are understandably put back right now since that means mediocre miniscule returns/dividends for them in light of the activity the last past few weeks.

    Bill Gates in his retirement speech to Tom Brocaw reiterated his desire to see Microsoft enter the search arena which Google has all but sealed pretty tight for themselves for a long time now. Will his hopes be realized or dashed yet again with Balmer now solely at the helm, although Bill Gates will still retain a seat as Chairman of the Board there.

    Back to what Microsoft is accomplished best for themselves, they have successfully put a desktop in every home/business with their software on nearly every table in the world at some point, but Vista seems to have thrown on the breaks hard in comparison to XP and Vista is being reported as reason why M$ stock is taking a plunge. Will it or can they rise above Vista with Windows 7?

    Ship date or not, the Titanic Microsoft O/S ship is taking on water IMHO, anyone else agree?

    As wonderfully acceptable and popular as XP has proven out to be, not just in it's sales alone but all software manufacturers have gotten a huge boost thanks to XP, will this trend continue when Windows 7 finally launches?

    And lastly, why hasn't Microsoft who is the heart and soul behind introducing AI in the form of agent characters strived to build/add on this from a novelty item to a more interactive desktop helpmate with some enthusiasm.

    As i see it, M$ is still forgetting the past instead of ressurrecting and improving on even the little features that could stir more interest perhaps. Security is another issue, so is IE, so what direction can we expect this next O/S to show us that can really prove itself a worthy replacement for XP.

  14. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    How about a year's supply of screen cleaner.
  15. lucas1985

    lucas1985 Retired Moderator

    Nov 9, 2006
    France, May 1968
    It's still alive, AFAIK. Windows 7 will have a more modular design (akin to Server 2008, which has a CLI-only option), but it will be based upon Vista (NT 6.0)
  16. Fly

    Fly Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2007
    I haven't followed it in detail.

    But I have the impression that it will be a Vista-like product.

    That doesn't sound good.

    More modular ? I've read somewhere that that would take too much time.

    So I'd expect a continuation of the evolution of windows operating systems, perhaps somewhat modular, but every next one requiring more resources.

    And usually there are delays, and if not bought OEM it will be expensive.

    It might be smart for Microsoft to invest in Intel :)

    Too bad Microsoft is the only player in town.

    (Aside from less user friendly operating systems like Linux and more expensive ones like Apple's)
  17. Dogbiscuit

    Dogbiscuit Guest

  18. AKAJohnDoe

    AKAJohnDoe Registered Member

    Sep 26, 2007
    Has Microsoft ever met an announced release date?
  19. aigle

    aigle Registered Member

    Dec 14, 2005
    UK / Pakistan
    When we can get a beat of it? :D
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