Microsoft Uses Linux To Publish Its Own Web Site

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by FanJ, Aug 21, 2003.

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  1. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Seen here:,7740720~root=security,1~mode=flat

    and that link points to this:

    Some quotes from the second link:

    Microsoft has made a big deal out of asserting that Linux is not fit for the enterprise. But Microsoft itself is using Linux to help protect its servers against denial-of-service attacks.

    According to a post on the Netcraft Web site, Microsoft changed its DNS settings on Friday so that requests for no longer resolve to machines on Microsoft's own network, but instead are handled by the Akamai caching system, which runs Linux.

    Akamai runs a service to help boost Web site performance by caching copies of Web sites on many servers in many locations. Akamai can help defend against denial-of-service attacks by spreading the attack among many servers. Just as a distributed denial-of-service attack enlists large numbers of systems to attack a single server, Akamai presents a distributed defense against denial-of-service attacks.
  2. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Well, I cannot tell you much about this at the moment; sorry!!
    I am only giving those links for those of you who are interested, that's all I'm doing.
  3. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    As you can see, Microsoft run its own OS for its servers ;)

    They are as many companies renting some services to Akamai who
    runs IIS on LINUX OS.

    Not the first time anyway : some M$ servers ran in the past on FreeBSD when the bought hotmail for instance
  4. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    So, the idea in the end is that Microsoft uses their own OS for their own servers, but they have some stuff hosted at akamai which uses linux, right?
  5. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    Yes, the same stuff cached, they were expecting an overload of their sites so they rent some more. Du to all the people rushing to update their OSs.

    At least for their pride, Akamai uses LINUX OS but M$ servers ;)

    AFM I prefer Apache and no IIS ;)

  6. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    Some more explanations from M$ staff :

    Akamai's distribution network uses certain Linux-based
    appliances and traffic management systems, thus the fingerprint. Look at the history.

    You'll see a lot of misleading results on Netcraft, usually due to load balancing mechanisms, server proxies, etc. Their queries seem to be based on 1) server fingerprint, and 2) stack fingerprint. Both are easily masked, either intentionally or unintentionally by common devices.

    See also:

    Webservers that operate behind a caching system, load balancer, reverse proxy server or a firewall may sometimes report the operating system of the intermediate machine. Hence reports of 'Microsoft/IIS on Linux' may indicate that either the web server is behind a Linux server that is acting as a reverse proxy, or has configured the Akamai caching system such that the first request to the site goes to one of Akamai's servers [which run Linux],
    or as in the case of has been configured to send a misleading signature.

  7. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :D i see big picture microsoft is trying to shut dowen and buy linux lol

    if you cant beat them to death and cheat buy them lol

    just small steping stones
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