Microsoft Security Essentials command line flags

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by m00nbl00d, Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Microsoft always seems to leave the good stuff undocumented. :argh:

    There's a few documentation about command line flags for MSE's command line process MpCmdRun.exe, but none for the GUI's process msseces.exe.

    I decided to take a look at process msseces.exe from Process Explorer and found a few interesting flags, such as:


    There are a few more, including one by name of Callisto. WTH is that? :eek: Unless it's not a command flag, at all. I didn't even try to see what it does. :D

    Anyway, if one were to create, say a Desktop context menu for MSE, one could add a command such as C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\msseces.exe -QuickScan. This would open MSE GUI and start an automatic scanning.

    There's also a flag NoRemove, which I suppose that if used, would make MSE not delete threats? Does MSE automatically delete threats found by on-demand scans? I don't recall.

    Anyway, just thought some of you could find it useful.
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