Microsoft Message Queue Server

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by snowy, Aug 7, 2002.

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  1. snowy

    snowy Guest

    so what is it ? ......have discovered this quite by accident while researching another issue....
    after tightening up my security a bit for my lil research project.....I was advised of a possible improper action......but really didn't give it much looked legal enough....the message in part was associated with the topic of this yet I have a very un-easy feeling about this.
    Briefly I checked to see what this understand it to be a built in feature of the windows os......but I am also of the understanding that its suppose to be my machine has it active.
    does anyone know of any known security issues with this ??
    I have taken prevention steps.....would appreciate any comments please....

  2. TonyKlein

    TonyKlein Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Netherlands
    LoadQM.exe loads the MSN Messenger/Explorer Queue Manager (Qmgr.exe)

    Description of the Loadqm.exe File (Q30941:cool:

    Whether it's up to no good is open to debate, but I've never heard any really convincing arguments against it.

    On the other hand, you don't need it.

    Go to Start/run, type Msconfig, and uncheck Loadqm.exe on the Startup tab.

    Click OK, close Msconfig, and reboot.

    Cheers, Tony
  3. snowy

    snowy Guest


    remind me to send you a christmas gift.........oh its up to no good will be IMMEDIATELY DISABLED!!!!!!

    have not as yet got a grip on whats happening....but the moment I re-routed a udp port over 40 "outbounds" were re-routed...that wasn't being previously shown either by scans or port monitors........highly strange.
    seems this is also used by DCOM......yet I don't have my printer yet another packets being sent to a router log.........perhaps my ip....
    you may already be awear that this will be used be .net

    thanks...VERY MUCH THANKS

  4. TonyKlein

    TonyKlein Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Netherlands
    You're welcome. Glad to hear that helped.

    On the other hand, I can't help but thinking that you're getting overly worked up about something not exactly in the same league as, say, your average trojan, worm, or other real baddie.
  5. snowy

    snowy Guest


    unfortunately it wasn't in start-up by that name...os winME 98.......will have to do some searching...cause its defintely on my os.

    Yes I would tend to agree that this should be until now never had any reason to suspect it......this only really was noticed after I moved to a new ip (cable)...........I have it re-routed so its not leaving the os.....

    still much thanking you

  6. snowy

    snowy Guest


    from the link you provided:

    ***Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition-DO NOT USE!**
  7. snowy

    snowy Guest


    so far I am not able to locate this service or even find out if its on my os...(alerted that it is) you said this most likely is all about nothing so I wont bother with it right now.......

    Again my sincere thanks

  8. TonyKlein

    TonyKlein Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Netherlands
    No prob! :)

    However, I'm wondering why on one hand you're complaining about this application, but at the same time seem unable to locate it on your system.

    That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.

    Qmgr is a hidden folder in your Program Files directory, which may account for your not finding it.

    Is 'show all files' set in Folder Options > View?

    Or are we talking about different things here?
  9. Message Queuing Overview and Resources

    Inside Microsoft's Message Queue Server

    HOWTO: Manually Uninstall Microsoft Message Queue Server;EN-US;Q202124&
  10. TonyKlein

    TonyKlein Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Netherlands
    Thanks for setting me straight on that, MyNethingyman.

    I assumed wrongly this was about the Queue Manager...
  11. Hey Tony,

    I had to check myself.. :eek: snowman will keep ya hoppin'

    Have a good day,

  12. snowy

    snowy Guest


    LOL...can fully understand your state of "wonderment"...I seem to have lived my entire life in that state LOL
    .......actually, I was being alerted ..otherwise I would never have known it even existed.......that lil bugger


    say whatcha mean I keep you jumping.........nawwww....heck I keep you maybe sometimes in that state of wonderment Tony mentioned.......99.9 % of the time I've no idea what I am talking about an the other.1% is just a guesstimation........LOL..........besides....with all that knowledge you guys have to share my questions are just a walking in the park........
    Thanks my friend for the links....after reading the re-moval instructions I do believe that I'll leave this sleeping dog alone...........this lil puppy growing to grow-up someday an may need a great big cage.....


    P.S. should we consider this to be the broswer of fashion in the future??
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