Microsoft admits it was wrong about open source Linux: no longer a cancer May 19, 2020
Microsoft FOSS Fund Arrives to Give Employees Ways to Nominate and Fund Open Source Projects July 21, 2020 Microsoft's Free and Open Source Software Fund (FOSS Fund)
You took the words right out of my mouth lol. I still don't trust Mickey. Mind you, I don't run anything MS now.
Their code is mostly already open and been so after being picked apart to pieces by malware purveyors as well as comedian nerds and reverse engineered by state actors. Me belly ached for well before Windows 10 that if they really wanted to become a force for technical O/S advancement that they needed to rewrite their source code with new innovative techniques instead of endless patchwork to needle & thread flaws in the current code
Inside Microsoft’s open source program office October 22, 2021
Let's talk about the cancer: Microsoft's new Edge browser which is entirely built on open source. Pretty good and the company didn't have a choice. It also had nothing to lose.