Memory Error.. Can someone maybe advise

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by FireDancer, Aug 6, 2003.

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  1. FireDancer

    FireDancer Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2003

    I have been recieving a message error...

    Not enough memory to run this program try shitting down other programs and then try again.

    This propmt was from trying to open a Jpeg of all things ROFL!!! :p

    Funny thing is I have 512 megs, Win98SE and system is squeeky clean, running Kerio and NOD32, WG, and TDS3.

    With all these running my system resources are at 76%!!! If any one can input I would greatly appreciate it.

    Opps sorry probably should of posted in General move me please if it needs to be there :)

    Best Regards,
    FireDancer o_O
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Actually, this is as good a place as any for this topic since it doesn't fit any other forum section any better...

    FYI - the "General Topics" forum at the top of the main page is actually only for discussions of the Wilders Security Board itself - you know, things like problems logging in, forum slowness, Wilders cookie or referrer problems - that kind of stuff.

    Sorry I don't have an answer to the memory problem though. All I can say is that I've seen similar things before and it isn't talking about not having enough RAM overall, I think it refers to a program going beyond what it can handle. Is this error only happening for one jpeg file or any image? If it's any, have you tried rebooting and opening the images before starting any other programs. If it's only one image, might that image file be corrupt?
  3. FireDancer

    FireDancer Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2003
    Hi LowWaterMark,

    Thanks for the reply.. actually no it origanlly started with WG I posted there and was directed to a link and read the authors of WG were aware of this and it was nothing to worry about as it was a microsoft "hook"
    problem and they had no control over it but assured that WG was working properly and still protecting, and they were taking care of that in the newer version coming out. I read also that this error might come about
    with windows98 if your are running over 512 megs of mem and that ther is a work around for it...

    but I am hesitant to apply the work around as it referes only to more then 512 megs. For now I have uninstalled WG to watch and see if the problem persists if not then I know what the culperit is :( Thought I would ask though as maybe might know of a work around for this problem pertaining to 512 megs this is the thread where I read it;en-us;253912

    Sorry link doesnt work hmmmm :(

    - Fixed the link to MS article

    Best Regards,
    FireDancer :)
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Do let us know if the problem persists then perhaps others here can help. If it turns out to be Wormguard, well, then at least you know DCS is working on it.
  5. FireDancer

    FireDancer Registered Member

    Jul 24, 2003
    Goodmorning LowWatermark,

    Yes very surely will do!!!!

    Very best Regards,
    FireDancer :D
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