Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by JAS, Feb 21, 2002.

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  1. JAS

    JAS Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Howdy all! I have not had the time to post or read anything for awhile so here goes one. Does TDS-3 have MD5, and if so is it better then competitors and why? Thanks, JAS
  2. FanJ

    FanJ Guest


    TDS-3 gives you the possibility to put (the path to) any file you want in a certain file, and then you can let TDS-3 do a CRC32-check on those files. It's CRC32 and not MD5. You can let TDS-3 do the check when TDS-3 starts up, and you can TDS-3 let do the check 'on-demand'; it's not a real-time or 'on-access' check.
    You have to put all the files in the above mentioned file yourself (although several critical files are put in it by default).
    I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to give here the name of the above mentioned file.

    Although I like it very much that TDS-3 gives you this possibility, I have to admit that I like NISFileCheck a lot more! NISFileCheck gives you the choice between 3 checksum-algorithms (stronger than CRC32), and it gives you the possibility to add for example all the exe files on your system automatically in its database.
    See for more info about NISFileCheck in the forum part called Other Security Issues.
  3. Liquid_Fish

    Liquid_Fish Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Which file are you talking about?  Thanks
  4. JAS

    JAS Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hmmm, ok. Is MD5 the best? I have Outpost Pro firewall installed and it has MD5. Thanks, JAS
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    In the TDS-3 window:
    TDS > Edit Config Text Files > CRCFILES
    In that file you can add files which you want to be checked.

    For the checking manually:
    System Testing > System Files CRC32 Test

    When you do such a test, you will get an alert if a file, that is named in crcfiles, is changed; but keep in mind it is not a real time check; nevertheless it's a fine feature!

    I have about 100 files put in it.
    I have for example all the files from one of my AV-scanners put in it.
  6. Liquid_Fish

    Liquid_Fish Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Thanks for the tip!
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