MBAM as an AV

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Rico, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Hi, Been long time fan of KIS, IMO very strong AV, I trusted it to keep me safe. Recently KIS conflicted with too many apps: tried exclusion, tried apps KIS 'on & off' worked with KIS off, not work KIS on!

    New to AV world is MBAM 4.0!

    I feel MBAM (resident) + KIS would add little protection. Currently MBAM/KIS conflict

    I feel WD & MBAM (resident), probably would not match the protection, from just KIS

    I have a 'lifetime license' MBAM.

    Uninstalled KIS! Installed MBAM 4.x & MBAM browser extensions. CURRENT

    The community here seems divided, MBAM stand alone, or MBAM with other protection.

    Pretty much started here at Wilders & never been infected!

    So MBAM alone, sans traditional AV's FW's, anti this or that?


    Uninstall MBAM allow another AV (to register with Windows Security Center) then install MBAM?

    I also believe if MBAM is going to satisfy Windows Security Center, then it's an AV, & should be tested, along with others at: Av Comp, VB etc.
  2. roger_m

    roger_m Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    Malwarebytes detects less malware then big name antiviruses, so I would not recommend using it by itself. Although I have lifetime license, I've only ever used Malwarebytes as second opinion scanner. I don't even have it installed on my main computer, as for my usage, I don't believe I need anything other than an antivirus.
  3. harlan4096

    harlan4096 Registered Member

    May 6, 2008
    Almería (Spain)
    To keep MBAM Premium running alongside KIS just disable MBAM anti-ransomware module... blaming the problem on KIS is not fair, since You are trying to keep running a complete security suite like KIS with MBAM 4 Premium which is also trying to become a complete security solution...
  4. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    for my money, you should keep kis and ditch mbam. as for the conflicts, get rid of the sw that conflicts with kis. or use windows defender (configured) with hard_configurator.
  5. harlan4096

    harlan4096 Registered Member

    May 6, 2008
    Almería (Spain)
    I would keep MBAM for on demand scans...
  6. anon

    anon Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2012
  7. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    OK! WD on & MBAM in tray! Still have 500+ day's left, on 3 machine KIS license. Yesterday canceled KIS auto renew, they gave 15% discount, to turn it on

    @imdb - what is 'sw'? hard configunator, reminds me of, those 'hardening' thing from way back. DL'd hard_configurator, I'll do a backup & try. Extra 'free layer' protection. Hopefully this does not gen allot of FP's or ask, for allot of user decisions.

    Seeing as I've got long time left on KIS, any easy way to tell what patch is current. My 2020 was (f), seems to be troublesome for me. Go to kis web sight, not visible (f)...
  8. Minimalist

    Minimalist Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2014
    Slovenia, EU
    F patch is currently last final released:
    G is IMO going to be released soon and it should fix some problems.
  9. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    See post #16
    Exile replied to comments this thread.

    Seems like he's talking about, heuristics (all AV's have this & tested AV-C etc), + adding ADW cleaner, mbams stand alone anti-exploit, all added to MBAM 4. Seems to me the only one missing, or not as good in KIS. Is ADW cleaner.
  10. clocks

    clocks Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    What's new in MBAM 4? I also have a lifetime license, though I have not used it in years.
  11. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    @clocks Mbam is competing or wants to be your AV, via satisfying 'windows security center' & claiming to be an 'alternative' to traditional AV's. IMO if your going to be an alternative (to AV's), you should be tested (like AV-C) does, for choosing. MBAM has added to MBAM, anti exploit, ADW cleaner, improved. But lacks elements of traditional AV's, like FW, Anti This or that, Safe Money, etc. Bundled in traditional AV's. In time,
    if MBAM wishes to compete in the AV category, they will add, additional protections, NOT in current build of MBAM.

    The sweet spot (my current think) is: WD + hard_configuator (see post #4 from Imdb) & MBAM resident/in sys tray. Free for us.

    FYI - I still have, 500+ days left on my 3 machine license, (KIS excellent protection, IMO need nothing else), but (f) patch made way too many, apps not usable + terrible support. Change for me!

    I'll test KIS patch (g) etc. & may go back. Right now WD + hard_configunator + MBAM + spywareblaster = my defense. I've never had an infection & trust current setup will continue the string
  12. Osaban

    Osaban Registered Member

    Apr 11, 2005
    Milan and Seoul
    I have 2 licenses of MBAM but I stopped using them years ago. IMO MBAM is not in the same league as KIS, it is just unnecessary and has terrible scores when tested with other AVs. Apparently it is a good cleaner of infected machines therefore I would consider it a 'tool' to have when needed rather than a resident application.
  13. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    or, you could go with kav free or kcf coupled with h_c. you don't need a resident amw with this configuration. you can always scan your system with hmp or mbam on demand.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  14. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    there will be no fp's or decisions to make, srp just locks down a system's vulnerabilities with native restriction policies , it's not user-dependent. it doesn't matter who's using the system, it doesn't ask for user intervention, it just blocks and/or limits. there's only one prerequisite and it is that you need to know what you're doing. or else, if you face an issue, it might take you a while to figure it out. so, not for the novice.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  15. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Osban & IMDB, your knowldege far surpasses me, computer security! Thank You! With my less than & more than some knowledge:

    MBAM, previously, completed, in the AS category, NOT AV (yes MBAM was great, then bad), with version 4 MBAM they have the cojones, to be an alternative to KIS etc.

    I understand, 'on demand & resident', but old age one can forget, to run on demand scans + machines nowadays (mine included), it's tough or can't see the slowdown, from a resident protector. Give up a fraction of a second, for perceived/believed added security. Most likely not necessary! Interesting study 10,000 or more participants, all Windows, perhaps 1 year. Then evaluate infections! KIS may have 0 incidents (rivals as well), so KIS distinguishes itself (theoretical protections) & markets to improve sales. Others follow suit!

    Without hype, (sales pitch), what does the avg Joe need to be safe? or Common I've used this or that and never been infected, brand loyalty!

    I've been at this forum for many years, never been infected, used many dif AV's, & strategies, & have not used backup due to infection, nor have I seen any AV alert.

    Allot of this is 'scare' what if, & we can protect you, for $. I think min. protection Native to windows, baseline, many users, long time frame, makes sense. Plus establish realistic requirements.

    KIS 500+ days left, on 3 machine license. Using patch (f) way too many problems, (security software, should not cause fail for other apps), like ...(d) or (e). (f) required reboot, problems , I troubleshooted, to KIS, many KIS customers, could not. (g) I'll try if g+good, I'll go back. In my case instead of (**** caning) necessary apps, complain to Kaspersky garbage tech, found no infection(s), choose another security approach!

    Current think WD + hard_config... + MBAM 4+. Just might do as well as standalone KIS, Zero detection. Same as many other strategies & AV's. They want money! If free WD + MBAM (lifetime license) keeps me safe, perhaps it's sales. FYI frequent BU's & support Macrium.
  16. roger_m

    roger_m Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    Be careful about files you let run on your computer. Never open email attachments, unless you are sure they are safe. Keep Windows and other vulnerable software such as browsers and PDF viewers updated. The majority of infections occur when you manually open an infected file. While it is possible, it is very rare on an updated system, to get infected just by visiting a compromised website.

    If you do all of the above, it will very hard to get infected, no matter what security software you use.
  17. anon

    anon Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2012
  18. clocks

    clocks Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    "Malwarebytes 4.0 comes with a new scanning engine called "Katana"

    Hasn't katana been around for like 10-15 years, at least in beta?
  19. 1PW

    1PW Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2010
    The first appearance of the Katana detection engine was with the introduction of Malwarebytes' MB4.

    Perhaps you are you thinking about the still active/present Shuriken module which is the heuristics module first introduced almost ten years ago with MBAM (1.47?).

  20. clocks

    clocks Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    Oh, maybe that is it. Yeah, I just remember it having something with a similar name for ages.
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