I was wondering if the manual update of the radius database can be done with Netscape 7. There is a warning on the DCS site saying Netscape will corrupt the file but that might have been before version 7. Reason I ask is that I ABHOR IE, OE, Outlook and if I have a choice, ANY Microsoft "web" software would not even be on my computer.
Hi, Jooske here from another location. In TDS in the Scripts \ Examples \ Web \ Custom browser folder is a script you can load, but first enter the URL you want to surf to , after use the "load.ss3 (just double clicking it) and in the console you'll see a message to type "showbrowser" as one ot the options. It will bring you with your "homemade browser" to that place, but as it has none of the built in security and all the rest i'd advice you to just keep it for such occasions like this very trusted site and this forum or you should add your other security. Hope this custom browser and script work for you.
Hi Feivel, I hope you meant that in the generic sense, as Jooske is very much the lady. Happy Holidays to you and everyone else.
<wide grin> Thanks guys! And enjoy the rest of this christmas day/evening/night See the 3D-christmas wishes i rained in several places through the forums here Happy the home made browser did the job again. For me it's the only browser giving me access into hotmail at the moment since the last security updates in windows and IE.... so nice browser!