My Malwarebytes Premium subscription is coming up for renewal soon and I don't know whether to continue on with it or not! In your honest opinions, would you class Malwarebytes as being truly robust - or are they simply thriving off a good name? Thank you
I personally stopped using it years ago. I found it to be more of a hindrance than of any benefit. It was useful in the early days when Windows used to be vulnerable, but those days are long gone. You need to ask yourself whether it has protected you from any real threats in the past few years. That might help you make a decision.
I stopped using Malwarebytes years ago. I've been using G DATA Internet Security for a couple of days and like it so far.
If you like it why not continue. You have the option to use both that and Defender side by side realtime, nothing wrong with that.
"Security is always excessive until it's not enough." - Robbie Sinclair, Country Energy, NSW Australia Acadia
As others said, Windows inbuilt is enough, for most of us today. So ask yourself, do i have such risky behaviour that i need double protection? There exists free software that can strengthen the inbuilt so it gets even more potent, use that instead of double protection.
You didn't say what version of Windows you have. If you have Windows 10 or 11, you keep Windows and your security current, you avoid illegal activities on-line, AND you are not "click-happy" on unsolicited links, popups and attachments, then Windows own Defender is more than adequate. Having said that, those criteria apply to any anti-malware solution. That is, even the best security is near useless if the user opens the door and invites the bad guy in. And regardless your primary scanner of choice, I recommend occasional "on-demand" scans with a secondary scanner just to ensure your primary scanner or YOU, the user and ALWAYS weakest link in security, did not let something slip through. And Malwarebytes "Free" is great for that. FTR, I still like Malwarebytes. I never found it to be a hindrance. I was fortunate to pickup 5 "lifetime" Malwarebytes Premium licenses 10 years ago for a bargain basement, one-time price (I think $5 each! ) just before they went to their subscription price format. So for that reason, I still use Malwarebytes Premium along with Microsoft Defender with no problems. Having both running, both keeping watch provides peace of mind - despite the fact Malwarebytes has never found anything malicious Defender (or me) let in on any of my systems. BUT - frankly, I hate recurring bills. A recurring subscription fee is just another bill. This, besides the fact it is good, is one reason I use the free Microsoft Defender on all my systems here. I do not believe I would be paying renewal fees or using Malwarebytes Premium if I didn't already have "lifetime" licenses. I would stick with the free version. ^^^This^^^ I note, however, this assumes you are the only user of this computer. IF you keep Windows and your security current, you are not "click-happy" on every link you see but, there are other users of this computer who may be less disciplined, then you may need to added security.