Running Kerio PF 2.1 (the freebie) and encounted this with permission to go out, the program is c:\windows\system32\lsass.exe and I have no idea what this is. I had my grandson using the 'puter today and he d/l a chess game. I am using XP home and he was on a Limited userid not an admin. Anyone have any idea?
from the win2k server reskit distributed systems guide: "The Local Security Authority (LSA) is a protected subsystem that maintains the information about all aspects of local security on a system (collectively known as the local security policy) and provides various services for translation between names and identifiers. In general, the LSA performs the following functions: Manages local security policy. Provides interactive user authentication services. Generates tokens, which contain user and group information as well as information about the security privileges for that user. After the initial logon process is complete, all users are identified by their security identifier (SID) and the associated access tokens. Manages the Audit policy and settings. When an audit alert is generated by the Security Reference Monitor, the LSA is charged with writing that alert to the appropriate system log. " About Kerberos: Regards, Pieter