For all of you who need outbound protection, but dont want a resource hog, look at Appdefend by ghostsecurity. Appdefend is like Process Guard, but at first glance looks better since it does contain network outbound control. I am now running Appdefend and Regprotect and I am only using 16k of ram. Only seems to be using 1-3 % CPU time intermittantly.
its only free right now that its beta but ull need to pay once it goes final. also i think its more of a HIPS, but its a good complement to ghostwall which is free (or other firewall w/o outbound protection)
I just checked the forum and it seems that there will also be a limited free version. Sounds interesting for sure, especially if the free version includes the net outbound app control.. might be good for use with a router..
HI, Does using Appdefend with Windows Firewall offer complete protection? since Windows firewall alone doesn't filter outbound application. 16K ram is unresistable for anyone seeking ultralight firewall
I think that using windows firewall + appdefends outbound would offer plenty of protection for most users. That plus... turn off javascript in firefox!! I have been running only a hardware based firewall/ AV, and process control for a month now, and still have found no greyware, viruses or trojans. Besides java type attacks, I think if you are using firefox (again with java disabled) and you dont download "free" programs off the net, keep XP patched, AV's updated, you are not going to be violated anytime soon. I remember a honeypot that Kevin Mitnick set up with windows XP and no inbound firewall protection. It was taken over within 7 minutes. I also remember a challenge that the screensavers put up to hack a XP box with the XP firewall. No one got in.
Hi demoore ... and welcome to Wilders Is your question in regards to firewalls or PC problems in general? Regards, CrazyM