Lost Defrag Pls Help

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Cathy Hood, Apr 27, 2003.

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  1. Cathy Hood

    Cathy Hood Registered Member

    Apr 26, 2003
    Last night I tried to download a faster defrag program from zdnet, I ws told to rename my old defrag to defragnew when I did this I lost my defrag program completley! I ahve tried everything I could think of to get it back and nothing has worked Now I dont know what to do.Somewhere I saw something that would let me go back to before I messed up but I cant remember what it was called or where it was at.I need help getting my defrag program back and fast. If anybody can help me Pls let me know asasp.Thanks, Cathy Hood
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Cathy,

    Can you tell us what version of Windows you are running? Windows ME and Windows XP both have a System Restore feature that might help with this situation. Also, knowing your Windows version might help with other ideas on how to get back the defrag utility.

    Best Wishes,
  3. Cathy Hood

    Cathy Hood Registered Member

    Apr 26, 2003
    Sorry,I am using Windows 98
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Well, there's always the ability to extract it from the Windows 98 installation media. The program name is of course defrag.exe, perhaps you can find it on your Windows 98 media...

    You could try to use the "System File Checker" (SFC) to recover the one file itself. I don't have either a Windows 98 system or installation media, so I can't confirm exactly how to do this, but perhaps this Microsoft article will help:


    You could try the option to: "Extract One File From Installation Disk" and see it that will pull defrag.exe out for you.
  5. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    This is a "long shot" but may just by chance work.

    1.restart your computer using your emergency start-up disc

    2. use the arrow key on your keyboard to select "start computer without cd-pom support" then press "enter"

    3. at the prompt type: "scanreg/fix" and then press "enter"

    This may...repeat...may...install a working copy of the old defrag file.

    NOTE: LowWaterMark is tremendously more knowledgable than myself so follow his offered advice first and foremost.........
  6. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Ah, thanks Snowy. The more ideas the better! [​IMG]

    It's been so long since I've been on any Windows 9x, I can't remember much of anything now. :doubt: I'm thinking there may also be a way to recover the various System Tools via Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Windows setup ?

    Perhaps someone with Windows 98 would be able to look around. :)
  7. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    Well its true!..........an heck I been trying all weekend to turn the puter off....that darn botton disappeared..LOl

    Actually....the boot disc may re-install that lost file.....its still there in the registry......an its also on the boot disc.....looks like CH just re-named the file......
  8. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest

    NOTE to CH..don't try this next step below just yet


    submitted for your opinion.......would it not be possible...(only if the boot disc doesn't work) for CH to download from wilders freetools the defrag file there.....save it to desktop.....execute it but not change location.....an icon should appear permanently on the desktop....an the defrag program would work on right click........whatca think??
  9. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    That would certainly replace the normal Windows 98 defrag.exe program with the better Windows ME version. (In fact, since the instructions from that ZIP file are so similar to the description in the first post here, I think that the zdnet download was probably the same as this one.)

    You may well be right! Why go back to the old Windows 98 version when the newer Windows ME version is better.
  10. controler

    controler Guest

    I think If I wanted an old program to work again that I renamed, I sure would try renaming it back to the old name again and see if it works now LOL

    BTW I use Diskeeper and they have a lite version that works as good but is run manualy. Of course Windows Xp uses A cutrate version of Diskeeper from Executive Software.
  11. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    This is the 98 defrag for win me.
    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MickeyTheMan/files/ ( a 95k file)
    Works perfectly on 98
    You can run it from any directory or install in your windows directory : your choice
  12. Cathy Hood

    Cathy Hood Registered Member

    Apr 26, 2003
    Hi Mickey, I tried the downolad you posted and it said the file could not be found.I have been trying since about 10 pm last nite to get some kind of defrag back on this thing and nothing I have tried has worked. it's now 10:49 central time and I have been doing this since about 5 pm today. :'( so far no luck. I just wanted to say thnks to everybody for te help you all have given me today. Thnks, I really appreciate it. :)
  13. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    rather surprised that the boot disc did not correct the registry......
    would you please check on something......open windows explorer ....search..Cdrive...and type defrag.exe.....see if there is a search result and whats the name
  14. Cathy Hood

    Cathy Hood Registered Member

    Apr 26, 2003
    snowman my search turned up 425 files! helppppppppp
  15. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    LOL..wow..bet that was a shock! Ok, not to worry.....its rather difficult for us here trying to help someone using a differant os.....reasons for the many questions....you must be exhusted..frustrate......my sincere sympaty....been there myself.

    Cathy something isn't right......you should be able to download the "new defrag" program that was suggested here...install and use it without much effort......it would resolve your problem plus give you a faster/better program...
    if the site Mickey linked did not provide the file...did you try the download page at wilders?/

    I just did the very same "search" requested of you....an just one folder was shown.."defrag" my reason for requesting the search was first to see if ANY defrag program was on your system.......an would it be possible to re-name/re-enable it.......
    In order to allow you some rest...please try downloading the defrag at the wilders download page.......afters if you want your old defrag back you will have time to work on that.....whatca think
  16. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    the posted link..just locate newdefrag zip....an download......I just checked..the download works......follow the instructions as mickey posted
  17. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Your search in Windows Explorer, on your system, turned up 425 files named "defrag.exe" ? Are they all named exactly "defrag.exe"? What folders on your system are they located in?

    Here is a direct download link for the Windows defrag zip file here at Wilders download page. It should try to download when you click on it:


    Can you get this file down okay?
  18. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
  19. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    sorry..I don't use either e mail or PM......
  20. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Cathy - I got your IM and have replied in the meantime. Let me know. :)
  21. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    just a note....wishing you the best in resolving your defrag problem.......sorry I was not able to offer a solution.. but for sure LowWaterMark will clear up that problem in no time.

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