Looking to going back to Eset Smart Security, possibly?

Discussion in 'ESET Smart Security' started by dfine1966, Jun 10, 2008.

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  1. dfine1966

    dfine1966 Registered Member

    May 22, 2007
    I had up until June of 2007 Nod32 AV. I worked great, but I really needed an all in one A Security, with Firewall etc, that was also low on resources. At the time I had Nod32 v2 and Zone Alarm installed. I decided to go back to Kaspersky, which I had the year before in 2006 and get there Internet Security suite. Well my subscription is almost up again and I am trying to decide should I stay with Kasperksy 7.0 Security Suite, or should I go back to Eset new 3.0 suite. How good is Eset's firewall program? Does it have a training mode, that has popups and lets you decide? How is it against rootkits, spyware, riskware, trojans, worms, etc. You know, everything. I am comparing it to Kaspersky Internet Security. I was trying to look at results from A/V comparitive and other websites. Is eset still use very little resources. Also, do they have discounts for past customers? I know it get a 30% discount to buy from Kaspersky. I really don't want to pay full price, especially being a past owner. But I do want the best product on the market. I am running Windows Vista 64 bit Ultimate Edition. I just built a new computer, my old one died after 5 years. My computer has all the bells and whistles, New Intel 45 NM processor, 4 GB of DDR 3, High end Nvidia card etc. It scored 5.9 on Vista's tests. I am on the internet a lot and do purchases from time to time on Internet. So I need something that will protect my investment. I do have a router though. Please let me know what you think? If you can compare the two AV's that would be appreciated. Also my house is networked with one to two other computer through the router, but only sharing the printers.

  2. ASpace

    ASpace Guest


    Your questions have two aspects - sales and technical.

    The sales part - the price , depends on many things . But I seriously doubt you'll be able to buy ESET Smart Security with renewal/discount price because you have used an ESET product a whole year ago , then you jumped to another vendor .

    The price can be a subject of discussion with an ESET Sales representative/distributor/reseller . Contact the nearest to you:

    USA : http://www.eset.com/company/contact.php
    Global : http://www.eset.com/partners/worldwide.php

    Since you have more than one computer in your home and if you want to protect the others , as well , you can buy a 3 user license with a special price .

    ESET Smart Security is an excellet solution . You should take some time and test the program yourself . You can real really a lot about it if you visit the ESET site . Here is some:

    Regards! :thumb:
  3. stratoc

    stratoc Guest

    i always keep 2 running, just in case one starts slipping from it's usually superior standard.
  4. dfine1966

    dfine1966 Registered Member

    May 22, 2007
    Thanks for the reply.

    Your answer about jumping ship is not entirely true about discounts. Most companies want you back. I was with Kaspersky in 2005 went to Eset, then back to Kaspersky and was able to get a discount from Kaspersky for being a past customer. Most vendors will offer discounts to get your business back, most of the time I only left Eset NOD because I wanted an all in one product to save on resources and conflicts. Eset, at the time did not have an all in one. I know as an AV, Eset's Nod is terrific. But my question was how is the firewall and how does it work. Is it comparable to Kaspersky or Zone Alarm's firewall. How does it handle spyware, rootkits, riskware and trojans, etc. I only buy a license each year for the best product that will protect me. As I said, I would have stayed with NOD if they had an all in one at the time. Also I think I could get a discount if I just bought the AV and not the IS, but it can't hurt to ask.

    So I am looking for opinions on Eset Smart Security, and how it holds up to the competion.
  5. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    You are welcome!
  6. pac73

    pac73 Registered Member

    Jan 7, 2007
    dfine1966 ...I used to use Kaspersky security suite as well,but when my subscription ran out i thought that id try the then new ESS.Ive been REALLY happy with it on 2 fronts.
    Number1,its really good on resources.Ive got 1 gig of ram on XP,and everything runs so smoothly with no lag,or freezing.

    Number2,i love how easy it is to use,and its detection rates compare with any other Security Suites out there.

    The firewall can be put on Interactive mode so that you get pop ups asking what you want to do,or Automatic mode with no pop ups.Theres also a policy based mode.

    If i were you id give it a try,i dont think you,ll regret it.
  7. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
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