Looking for WiFi Expresscard

Discussion in 'hardware' started by BoerenkoolMetWorst, Apr 2, 2012.

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  1. BoerenkoolMetWorst

    BoerenkoolMetWorst Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Outer space
    Unfortunately, the Wifi on my notebook seems broken, as well as the hardware switch to turn it on, and I'm out of warranty so it's cheaper to buy external Wifi. I had an Intel 4965AGN chip which had great throughput(could reach higher than 60Mbit) and it was one of the few with true 5GHz wireless N support. My wireless mouse is on 2.4 GHz so I have set my router to 5GHz N, as setting it to 2.4 interferes with my mouse signal when the speed gets around 20Mbit. I have an Expresscard 54 slot on my notebook(I read that Expresscard 32 also fits in 54 slots) so I'm looking for a good WiFi Expresscard 54 or 32 with true 5GHz N support. I would also prefer one that can connect through win 7, without need for 3rd party software. Anyone knows a good one?
  2. BoerenkoolMetWorst

    BoerenkoolMetWorst Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Outer space
    Topic can be closed, there aren't many WiFi adapters in Expresscard format available, and it seems there was only one with 5GHz N support, but there aren't any decent drivers for Vista and 7 for that one, so I got a WiFi USB adapter in the end.
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