Looking for new av?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by smoke, Jul 13, 2003.

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  1. smoke

    smoke Guest

    ive been using f-secure 5.41 for a while now and i like it especially how it alerts u of a virus in a folder upon entry of it , but its sucking the life out of my pc.
    i know theres maybe lots of topics like this but pls stick with me just wandering what my best choice would be out of these.
    Mcafee,drweb,pc-cillin-bit defender,etrust ez, and nod32
    any comments on ppl that have used these like resources and their detection rate (including unpackers)
    ive used mcaffe b4 so i know how much resources it uses , and nod32 doesnt use many (version1) and ive heard that drweb uses real little resources. and since i alrdy use tds3 for trojans maybe i dont need such a strong av that detects packed items cause my a/t covers it ?
    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  2. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Retired Moderator

    May 18, 2003
    Sunny San Diego
    Hi Smoke,

    I haven't used any of the AVs you mentioned except for NOD32v2 and so I can only comment on that. I have been very impressed with it, particularly the email protection. Have had no lockups and on the two occasions where I *thought* there might have been discrepancies regarding false positive or false negative I got a very quick response from their support.

    Hopefully others will step in with input on the others...


  3. tahoma

    tahoma Registered Member

    May 31, 2003
    id go for drweb if those are your choices. its run flawlessly on my pc for over a year, no slowdown, no missed malware - only a few false positives thought. ive tried etrust and pc-cillin - both are inferior in terms of detection as far as i can see. but in the last month or so i ahve only been using kav 4.5. on my system its as fast as drweb.its using about 10mb currently, thats including the control centre (i found installing without control centre made everything a lot slower)

    so thats my personal recommendation: 1 - kav 4.5 2- drweb

    xpsp1, athlon 1.2ghz, 768 mb ram
  4. I would recommend either McAfee or Kaspersky...

    If you have been using FSecure, either McAfee or KAV give comparable or close to results to FSecure in many respects. I use McAfee 7.03 in one of my boxes, and the resources usage is hardly felt..

    Kav will be coming out with version 5 in a couple of months.. THAT"s The one to look for! FSecure uses KAV's engine, plus ver 5 is supposed to be very good with resources....

    I also run NOD32 on another box, and it's a good AV....
  5. JimIT

    JimIT Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2003
    Denton, Texas
    My choices would boil down to either PC-cillin, which is quite improved, NOD32 (great new version), or ezAV, which is simple, no frills, and low cost.

    Unpacking ability in these 3 is not great, so having TDS alongside is a good idea if you're downloading a lot of stuff. For viruses, however, all three are pretty respectable, and system usage is reasonable on all of them.

    There is another thread in this area regarding eXtendia AVK which is another low-cost, Kaspersky engine based alternative. I am using it also, and have found it's resource usage to be even less than PC-cillin.
  6. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    Lets not forget F-Prot, a worthy contender.
  7. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    If your concern is System Resources and/or speed, I highly recommend ETrust EZ. When I switched from my old antivirus to NOD I was amazed at how my old pc speeded up. Last weekend I had to switch from NOD (which I still like and endorse) because the new version 2 was incompatible with my system. I tried ETrust EZ because of a couple of good reviews I read about it and was amazed at the ADDITIONAL speed my system gained. Etrust is a "lean, mean fighting machine" as one reviewer put it. It lacks one feature that some people would like to have; it does NOT scan email until you open it. That is not a concern for me as my ISP scans my email for me with Norton and I have even tested it. Plus, ETrust claims they would nail anything the instant you did open it, for what that's worth. The total download is only 4MB and if you keep it, it’s only $20. But whatever your choice, good luck.

  8. Madsen DK

    Madsen DK Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2002
    And as you pointed out Acadia, 20 usd. is rather cheap for a very good AV.
    Do you by any chance know , HOW good , compared to the so called bigboys,
    NAV, Mcafee , Trend ect.
    Ole :)
  9. fryr

    fryr Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2003
    I have used NAV2003 in the past but have now switched to NOD32 v2 - great on resources - best detection rate (probably)

    Good review here for all the major AV's - Page 16 onwards.

  10. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK
    Nice link, fryr ;)

    Comments on virus detection of various programs were very interesting.
  11. jdong

    jdong Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2003
    At DSLReports...
    Hmm, strange that everyone except me complains about FSAV's speed... Is my computer lucky or what?

    F-Secure 5.41 runs just as well as McAfee, KAV, and the other contenders (ok, maybe not NOD... ok, fine, definitely slower than NOD, but isn't everything ;) )
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