Looking for best free HIPS

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by HIPS_hound, Feb 2, 2006.

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  1. HIPS_hound

    HIPS_hound Guest


    I am looking for a decent free HIPS program. I wondering what are the better available free programs? I have heard of CyberHawk, WehnTrust, AntiHook, Prevx1, Geswall, ProcessGuard and others. Some are completely free, while others just have a free version, like PG.

    So in your educated opinions what is the best of these free programs and why do you say that one? Or perhaps a combination of them? But I would really like some explanation as to why you say it's better than the others if possible.

    I'm not really leaning toward the sandbox type programs like Geswall or other similar programs like this, that rely on sandboxing type techniques. So far I'm considering maybe either CyberHawk or WehnTrust at this time. But I want one that will remain free.

    Thanx for any help/opinions of what you feel is the best free HIPS and why.
  2. WSFuser

    WSFuser Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2004
    i would have to say antihook a very good HIPS comparable with PG full. another good HIPS is neoava (beta). it very configurable and offers many areas of protection but im not sure it will stay free.
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