Hey guys, I got me a router and software firewall, but i'm looking for a program as a double check for my outbound programs. I'm not looking for another software program or ne thing. For example, if my firewall got corrupted or disable by a trojan, i would like a second program to block outbound trafic. So no firewalls, cuz i don't want firewall conflicts and at least if its just a regular prog it won't be targeted by trojans. Do you guys know of ne progs that only block outbound trafic? YODA
Hi YOD@, Have a look at Abtrusion Protector [http://www.abtrusion.com/l]. It's not a firewall, it actually works alongside a firewall and it is free. Only thing is that it works for Windows NT/2000/XP only, no Windows 95/98/ME. Regards, Mike
hey MikeGiann, Nice looking program, I only have win98se . Anyone else have other programs they might suggest? YODA
There are a few ways to do what you want. One nice little freebie that will do what you want in a round-about fashion is TCPView. You can use the "Close Connection" option to shut down any comms going on. http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/source/tcpview.shtml If you want a more powerful program that will block sockets along with doing *many* other useful things, take a look on this board at the "Port Explorer" forum. It is a *very* nice compliment to a firewall. There are other apps available but I have never used them so don't want to make any recs. HTH Phil
hey phil, Actually i'm looking for something along the line like an outbound firewall (only) but not a firewall, TCPView would do the the job but i would have to be monitoring all the time to kill progs connecting out. I'm looking for something that has a set function that will only allow certain proggies to communicate outbound. As far as port explorer it looks like a nice prog, but i'm not doing to good financially... i can't spend much. I probably should of said i was looking for something a long the line of a freeware prog. If ne one has a program that looks like wut i'm looking for please summit them. P.S. thanx phil and Mike for the help in trying to find me the prog. YODA
Remember I said there were other apps available? http://maxcomputing.narod.ru/ssme.html I have not personally used this one but others on this board have and say it will do what it claims. It is the only freebie app I am aware of that will give you the control you seek without using a firewall. Not only will an unauthorized app not be able to connect without your approval, it will not be allowed to start. I do have this one on my "try it" list but have not done so. Phil
I do use System safety monitor from maxcomputing and it is a must have as far as I'm concerned. It will not block outgoing traffic, but it will give you options on any program starting, it will notify you when a program starts, it uses MD5 checksum I believe looking for swapping, etc. It is a beaut and it is free. Max, the author is a great guy and anxious to help if anyone has trouble with it.
Hey phil and root, I'm trying out that system safety monitor prog again..... the last time i used it i had problems. But ne ways seem to run ok, but i can't get it to start up. I've check the startup box in the options but it still won't startup. I got to find some way to add it into the msconfig startup tab. Is there a way to do that? YODA
Hi YODA, The easiest way, but I don´t know if it works for all OS´es: drag the .exe to hover over your Start-button until the panel opens, drag to Programs until that panel opens and drop it in Startup. Here´s a way that should always work: I don´t know if you have Mike Lin´s Startup Control Panel. If not you can get it here: http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml Then right click in the field where you want to add the program, choose new and enter the name and the path to the application as shown in the example below. Regards, Pieter
Hey guys, -I can now get SSM to startup, thanx pieter. I got a questions though, when i use aim/yahoo/mtu it has an activity from IDLEMON.dll, and its trying to: "The call to API function "SetWindowsHookExA" was successfully intercepted The hook type was WH_MOUSE (monitors mouse)" "The call to API function "SetWindowsHookExA" was successfully intercepted The hook type was WH_KEYBOARD (monitors keystrokes)" i killed the proccess from allowing to excute. Can ne one explain this, is this normal? Looks very suspicious to me.. YODA
Let me correct myself, Actually aim and yahoo has an activity from IDLEMON.dll and MRU has activity from MSVBVM60.DLL, but those programs are trying to montior mouse and keystrokes. YODA
Kinda makes you think you have a key logger on board doesn't it? Do you use TDS and Spybot? Wouldn't hurt to investigate that a little further. I don't use aim or Yahoo for anything, so I have no experience there.
On ward with the problems lol, I use netscape 7.01, and i have the quick launch enable. But every time i close or exit netscape i runs a process called "nil" and i try to allow it with SSM but won't add to the application list because the call to API function was not hooked successfully. How do i fix this? I have to allow it everytime i close or exit netscape which kinds to get annoying, and if i disable quick launch netscape will take for ever to launch everytime i want to open a browser window lol. P.S. Plz keep listing more proggies if you got ne you would like to suggest, the search has not ended lol, i'll be trying to figure out SSM in the mean time. YODA