lol i just notice something my fire wall dont go off as much when port explorer active lol do the bad guys know im listing and montoring my ports so they dont bug me lol
Not sure, but why not? Yesterday i forgot to run the nice SocketListening137.SS3 script Dollefie posted for us and which for me really eleminates all those port 137 knocks and i noticed in my VisualZone for the firewall bunches of 137 knocks immediately --- was too quick with loading the script to see if PE was effected for them, i suppose not, as the FW blocked them of course. After running the script only see the blocked and listening 137 on TCP and UDP but no scans on them of course. For other ports........ i think those nasties see our DCS equipment as kind of blitzkrieg and not taking the risks with our arms ehhhh defence system.