Lock n Stop Application Filtering

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by playstation201, Jan 1, 2006.

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  1. playstation201

    playstation201 Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2005
    Im a long time Sygate user and intend on using it untill it does not function correctly (Ex WInxp 64 or Vista mabey) or something better comes my way. I took a look at Lock n Stops site last night and noticed it had application filtering like sygate but also has rule capability. I do like the Advanced rules section of Sygate but only have a few rules here and there, nothing too complex. My question is can i use Lock n Stop in a similar manner or is it heavily rule based? I have a NAT router for incomming so im only really interesting in monitoring out going application traffic. I also play alot of online games so that is another reason why application filtering is perfect for me, I would perfer to just set an application access rather then creating advanced rules for every game.
  2. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    I would just stick with Sygate.. LnS will only cause you pain and you don't need it. Why bother?
  3. Arup

    Arup Guest

    Sygate is excellent, only if you are using a proxy, then I would look elsewhere.
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