Loading config files

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by markarnold, Jun 19, 2003.

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  1. markarnold

    markarnold Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2003

    I just created an xml configuration file.
    I can load, modify and save the file with the Configuration Editor, but how do I actually apply it to the installation on the other machineso_O


  2. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hi Mark,

    - just save the configuartion file to a local folder on the Mirror machine (the machine where the mirror is located)
    - give the Mirror (on the Mirror machine) the path to the configuration file (as described below):

    On the Mirror machine (the machine where the mirror is located) - in the Control Center:

    - create the Mirror as usual and

    - in the Update>Mirror>Setup>

    - check the "Create Update mirror box" (if not checked yet)

    - in the "Configuration files" section click on Setup>Add>(New or Browse) and GIVE THE PATH TO THE CONFIGURATION FILE

    - the Control Center will put the configuration file to the mirror directory by ITSELF on the next update of the mirror (automatic or manual)

    - AUTOMATIC update of the mirror - when the mirror looks for the update to the Web

    - AUTOMATIC update of the client - the clients will be updated when they first look to the mirror directory (the update is set up for one hour - by default).

    - MANUAL update of the Mirror - on the mirror creating machine - go to Update>Mirror> click on "Update"

    - MANUAL update of the client - on the client machine - go to Update>Upadte> click on "Update"

    Good luck! :)

  3. markarnold

    markarnold Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2003
    I tried this and it worked on the first machine.

    Now I wanted to do the same thing on the second machine and it keeps on asking me for username and password for the update server.
    I had none set when I created the mirror and the first workstation didnt ask me this.

    I created the mirror in a directory on a samba server that is accessable for everybody. The Windows-user account I am logged in with does have access to this directory and the files in it.

    As server name I use \\<Servername>\<path_to_mirror_dir> - both on the first and the second workstation...

    Any idea why this is?

  4. markarnold

    markarnold Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2003
    Another problem:
    the first workstation that updated fine was configured to connect to the mirror with the currently logged on user.

    Once I logged that user off, I got this:

    6/20/03 10:29:23 AM - During execution of Update module on HAWK computer, the following notification was generated: Update attempt terminated with error (An error occured during an attempt to acquire user identity. Maybe no user is logged in.)

    Then I changed the settings and configured NOD to connect with a designated userid/password.
    However, now I get this error:

    6/20/2003 12:53:52 PM - During execution of Update module on HIPPO computer, the following notification was generated: Update attempt terminated with error (An error occured while changing local user identity.)

    Is there any documentation describing all the steps from A to Z on how to setup the mirror and then the machines that are supposed to update from it?
    I would assume that what I am trying to achieve is a standard usage scenario of the mirror.

    Especially the various places where userids and passwords can be set are confusing the heck out of me. I played with all kinds of combinations, but everytime I fix one problem I just run into the next one right away...

    The workstations are all Windows 2000, some old NT4's with either non-Administrator users logged in or nobody logged in at all.

    I tried to download manuals from the NOD website, but they are all still for version 1 - the configuration dialogs don't match any more.

    Please help.


  5. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002
    Hey Mark,

    pls. try to update via HTTP. More info here.

    Good luck! :)

  6. markarnold

    markarnold Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2003
    Ok, that helped - what are the userids/passwords for?
    Do I need those? I have two sets on the machine that maintains the mirror (one right under the mirror folder input box, the other set in the "advanced" tab when chosing "Specified User") and also two sets on the client machines...
    What are those userids/passwords used for and when? It works now, but I have no clue what those userid settings do...

    Then the (hopefully) last question: I have stored the configuration for the on-demand scanner in the configuration file as well (deep heuristics, check Archives and self extractors, all extensions). However, my clients ignore these settings - they don't import them with the settings for all the other modules.
    When I run on-demand scans, it still does no archives/selfextractors, only certain extensions and only standard heuristics.
    Why is this? How can I get that part of the configuration file imported as well? I have the settings activated in the configuration editor and as far as I can see, they also made it into the XML file...


  7. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Oct 25, 2002

    >What are those userids/passwords used for and when? It works now, but I have no clue what those userid settings do...

    The u/p in the "Access to update files" field is needed when the mirrror is not created on on the machine that creates the mirror, but on an another machine - (u/p needed to access the directory where the mirror is to be created).

    You don't need it when usding the HTTP update method.

    >Then the (hopefully) last question: I have stored the configuration for the on-demand scanner in the configuration file as well (deep heuristics, check Archives and self extractors, all extensions). However, my clients ignore these settings - they don't import them with the settings for all the other modules.
    When I run on-demand scans, it still does no archives/selfextractors, only certain extensions and only standard heuristics.

    We'll check this and let you know.


  8. markarnold

    markarnold Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2003
    Is there any solution to this on-demand scanner remote configuration problem I mentioned in the previous post in this thread?

  9. anotherjack

    anotherjack Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2003
    To make the XML files work properly, you have to UNcheck, then REcheck every option in the XML file editor. This will cause the proper field to be written in the XML file itself. If you just leave most of them in their default state, the field will NOT get written, and the setting won't apply. I've attached one of my XML files to this as a .TXT file. Rename and modify as you see fit and see if it works for you.


    Attached Files:

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