I came across this on distrowatch and thought I'd share for those who haven't seen it yet. http://www.linuxdeepin.com/
No worries I've been running it for the last couple of hours and it's a great distro. Very, Very polished.
Its a Chinese Ubuntu distro. I like how they've taken GNOME 3 shell in a very user friendly direction. This is a distro that looks very promising.
I would say it's defiantly up there with Ubuntu and Mint. It's just so polished and slick. They've taken gnome and made it their own.
http://www.webupd8.org/2012/03/linux-deepin-ubuntu-based-linux.html#more http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dvJpfVbj1no yes its chinese distro looks intersting hope mrk test it in futrure
so far form video expect this below nothing big change if any please comment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY_OAWYCEv8 and windows kinda bar