Licencing & updating problem on upgrade from V1 to V2

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 1 Forum' started by Gule, Apr 22, 2003.

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  1. Gule

    Gule Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2003
    Pazin, Croatia
    There is almost no information about transitioning from NOD32 version 1 to upcoming version 2. The main problem is with existing users and their central update options. I have some information from my local distributor, but there is many unanswered question, and I am expecting unpleasant discussions with my customers.

    I have many customers with small LANs of 2-10 workstations. Now, they have central update on one workstation (generally, with ONE modem on ONE workstation). With new version, there will be no more workstation central update, and they must buy Administration tool or configure each workstation for Internet connection. Until now, central updating on workstations was NOD32 competetive advantage. Now I must tell all of them that ESET changed NOD32 and licencing policy. They must decide to buy Admin Tool or invest in LAN Internet connection sharing (buy more modems or LAN router or configuring sharing). Both option requires additional investment. Most customers really don't like suprises like this. We sold them something with some features, on 1 - 3 years. Now, we must told them to pay some more $ to get the same features (or some more) as we offered them in the first place.

    We still don't have any informations about licencing and pricing of new version. Also, there is no much details even how will new Admin Tool functioning. Is there any "beta" informations about that? It is so hard to sell NOD32 to bigger customers without full information.

    Is there any posibility to protect existing users? How long you will suport NOD32 Version 1 database updating?

    I got an advice to offer Data/Server licence or Server + n workstation licences to those customers who have more than few workstations. That is not fair to customers. Something like that raises end price too much, and customers won't buy NOD32.

    We don't know anything about upcoming Admin Tool, just main options. Must it be installed on server? If we install it on some workstation, what if that workstation is out of work for some reason or customer just don't turn on that computer for 10 days? Can we install Admin Tool on more that one PC under the same licence? Until now, if workstation which is responsible for updating is not working, I was able to easy configure any other PC to do the same job. I have one big customer who has Sophos and SAV Admin Tool and was frustrated with that, and happily switch to 2-year NOD32. What I can tell them now?!?

    Sorry for long post, but we really need more information in order to succesfully offer and promote ESET NOD32.
  2. Karl_Menshy

    Karl_Menshy Registered Member

    Apr 18, 2003
    Definitely a very interesting and important question - not only to admins of small networks, but private users, too. NOD is licensed on a per processor basis. I chose NOD (besides from it AV qualities) because the license scheme allows for using NOD on a system which is split up in several partitions to reduce conflicts between different programs in my working environment. The possibility to create mirror files on media like CD for the updates is essential for this configuration, because only one configuration has internet access. From what I understood from the v2 discussions up to now, the possibility to create mirror files on media would be included in v2, too. I am wondering whether my recent renewal of my long time license will be rendered useless soon... A NOD statement would be useful.
  3. mccracky

    mccracky Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2002
    Quito, Ecuador
    I would also be interested in this. We were sold a three year license (approx. 500 computers connecting to a central mirror on each site) on 01Jan03 understanding that it would cover the upgrade to version 2. Will ESET support this configuration (one central mirror on the LAN) with the current license scheme on an upgrade to v2 as promised??
  4. triwac

    triwac Eset Staff Account

    Oct 25, 2002
    To Gule:

    >and I am expecting unpleasant discussions with my customers.

    There is really no need for this. As I told you in a long (PRIVATE!!!) conversation ESET is currently doing a new price list which will be much fairly oriented to all clients regarding a lot of new licensing options and much flexible unit price in multi-user licensing for server-workstations environment. Also, I told you that we are looking for the best solution to smoothly upgrade current correctly REGISTERED users to V2 and I'm sure that this category of users will be satisfied, because ESET was always fair and flexible.
    Of course, users with one or a few licenses currently used on systems with much more computers will have to upgrade their licenses if they want to use admin tool. So Gule, where is the problem for the correct registered users? How many times I found a best financial solution for your clients and you personally?
    Yeah, I noticed that releasing of new Linux mail product is not welcome to you because it will be charged by number of mailboxes what is opposite to your current practice to use one Linux license for scanning unlimited number of mailboxes on your hosting server but...
    You made a problem after my warning that is not fair to sell only 13 V.1 workstation licenses to a very, very big client (BTW it's the biggest Croatian food company) at this moment while we are near to releasing V2 which will (I'm not sure for all details yet) provide special admin tool for such full registered corporate users. Do you think that this client don't deserve a note about possibility to get all those beneficial by registering through Data Server pack option instead of 13 dummy workstations in a system?
    For the rest of your questions, related to reselling, I'll inform you personally immediately after I get official statement from ESET, so you as a reseller really don't need to look for such answers on this Forum.
  5. Karl_Menshy

    Karl_Menshy Registered Member

    Apr 18, 2003
    To Robert@Croatia:

    Well, at least this makes things a little clearer...however you did not answer my question.

    I was asking about the possibility to to use ONE license on ONE computer, splitted up in different partitions, as this is what I was buying NOD for. It would be nice to get an answer to this without the slightly negative overtones of suspecting of being a not correctly registered user.

    Will you provide an opportunity to download a set of virus database update files then?
  6. triwac

    triwac Eset Staff Account

    Oct 25, 2002
    >Well, at least this makes things a little clearer...however you did not answer my question.

    Karl, sorry for misunderstanding, I didn't answer on your question, my answer was posted to Gule who is my reseller. I really don't know all details yet - I'm just a distributor for Croatia, but I'm absolutely sure that ESET will not disappoint you and that they will find a best license solution for your and similar cases. BTW I'm quite sure that you don't need admin tools for the ONE computer :) what was the main point of disscusion with Gule.
  7. Karl_Menshy

    Karl_Menshy Registered Member

    Apr 18, 2003
    To Robert: Well, I guess the unknown future of our licenses is hard to stand for the impatient ones among us ;) . But let's take it as a good sign. If NOD were a bad AV, nobody would care about future protection...

    We'll see...and as for now I trust in ESET to find a fair solution. :D
  8. Gule

    Gule Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2003
    Pazin, Croatia
    To Robert@Croatia:

    I always talking about correct registered users, you know that very well. As I describe in previous post, I expecting problems with central updateing of small existing customers with no server licence and no Internet connection sharing. We still have no clear information for them, although I believe that ESET will be fair and flexible.

    Yes, I use NOD in this way, but what's the problem with that? It is pure legally. One of the key features for NOD32 for Linux mentioned on Web is "Powerful daemon version suitable for interfacing with mail server scanners". If somebody doesn't know how to implement that or wants more functionality, they can buy new NOD32 for Linux Mail Servers. I am pretty satisfied with my solution.

    I can't offer and I won't force any customer, no matter how big and rich it is, to buy server licence if they will not use NOD on any server. If they need and ask for NOD for 13 workstations, I will sell them 13 WS NODs. You didn't mentioned that this is licences for their small dislocated brach, not for whole company, and that's really legal and fair solution. If one day in the future they want more licences, or server licence, or V2 central update or Admin Tool (or whatever tool) they will pay that without any problem.
  9. triwac

    triwac Eset Staff Account

    Oct 25, 2002
    To Gule:
    > I expecting problems with central updateing of small existing customers with no
    >server licence and no Internet connection sharing.

    How many times must I tell you that there will be no problems for all registered users? I must do it again because of other members although I wrote it to you personally several times before.

    >Yes, I use NOD in this way, but what's the problem with that?

    I'm not a lawyer. When I told you that NOD32 for Linux mail servers is coming and that it will be charged per number of mailboxes you said that it is not acceptable for you because you are hosting mailboxes on your public server. I hope that ESET will include this in new EULA and we will see what's right in the future. I'm sure that most of members here agree that using 1 Linux license (even Server license) is not acceptable solution for scanning e.g. 100.000 mailboxes at some ISP and that such NOD32 using must be charged per mailbox. It couldn't be the same price for such ISP and some small client with server and a couple of mailboxes.

    >I can't offer and I won't force any customer, no matter how big and rich it is, to
    >buy server licence if they will not use NOD on any server.

    Forcing? I only mentioned that you MUST tell to your customer BEFORE any transaction that 13 V1 workstations are only 13 workstations in V2 and that it would be nice to inform customer about all solutions, nothing more. In your first post you put completely out of context my additional information that current owners of Data Server Pack will have for free all new upcoming administration tools, which are really not important for small users.
    Further more, based on the ONLY those parts of our telephone conversation which you wanted to hear at this moment, you initiated this discussion on the NOD32 Forum and produce worrying and doubt for other NOD32 users without any obvious reason...

    Now I'd really like to finish this public discussion because I think that reselling questions don't have to be a part of this Forum. For all further reselling related questions please use my mail address and phone number. Thanks in advance.
  10. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    There's quite some logic in this. I'm closing this thread. In case you want to re-open it, Robert, please use your moderating rights to do so.


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