Hello. I have been using Kaspersky Internet Security with HitmanPro.Alert for some two years and I've just seen (on Kaspersky's site) the KIS is incompatible with HitManPro.Alert. Can anyone say if there is (are) any other product(s) similar in function to HitManPro.Alert that is compatible with KIS 20? (Then again, I'm thinking of removing HitManPro.Alert and using only KIS 20). Thank you again.
KIS is pretty much intended to be used alone. There are probably setups that you can get to work but officially there is very little that is compatible.That said I really don't feel the need to run anything else with it. If I wanted something more extreme I would just run virtual machines and roll back snapshots when I was done using them.
I have used KSCF with HitmanPro.Alert. I found that with HMP.A beta (CTP3) I was getting CredGuard alerts, but with the stable release of HMP.A I had no problem. The only other problem I had was with MalwareBytes. I found that when KSCF updated to Patch 'E' I had all sorts of trouble until I disabled Ransomware Protection in MB.
I do not recommend to run any other, along with KIS. KIS is likely the most advanced protection, You can get. If KIS doesn't protect You enough, see post #2
Hi. I use KIS and HitmanPro.Alert for 2 years, together and no problems. I have HP.A in KIS exclusions and KIS in HP.A exclusions. HP.A antimalware disable (HitmanPro) Only on demand.
Those of you running HitmanPro.Alert... Did it ever catch anything KIS missed? No offense intended to HitmanPro.Alert or anyone running it. I have given up on running secondary products as it seems the resource usage and compatibility issues cause more problems than they solve. A malware blocking DNS provider and a good ad blocker probably does more without any issues.