Refresh my memory please u guys; Sygate and LnS and most FWs have an Application List showing the status of applications either blocked or allowed net access. Does Kerio have this easy-read list too ( i dont recall)?
Thanks for the link Ronjor. The answer is "YES". Me thinks, God willing, I'll do a 'retro' tonight & install "ye ol' Kerio" while I still have XP as my OS.
It sure does and does it well . Also checks MD5 for changes. Example of few application and few system rules (that red cross means blocked, check means rule is active) and a typical log when Atelier test was being blocked via few other application rules, including IE
Hi Act8192. Any specific settings/tweaks I should invoke straight away or just run bare as installed?
Look at this thread You already was didn't see links about Kerio?
I was primarily thinking about Sygate at the time. But now I've installed Kerio. Its nice to put your feet up and surf the net without some FW hips popping its head up like a hungry baby-chick looking for tucker every too often. So far - 3 cheers 4 Kerio 2.1.5 hip, pip, hooray !!!!
But you will need some sort of HIPS or other nagging application, or a very tight setup in the browser, or good AV, since you might stumble on something on an infected site. Also Kerio GUI doesn't work well with fast user switching which appeared after Kerio got invented, I think. But I think the driver stays and protects, but I don't remember the details. Finally, default rules aren't sufficient. Best is delete them all and build your own set, or at least limit all those window services to the LAN. In 2007 there was "Richard's Firewall Rule Set Tutorial for Kerio 2" a very simple way to setup rules but this link is dead unfortunately. It's a 239K Word file, but can't be attached here. CrazyM sticky in this thread has 4 chapters on firewall setup. Scroll down to "Customizing Firewall Rules" section. It's a great link to read.
Yep, it has! Kerio was a classic, my favorite of them all. I had a lot of fun with the rules in those days, but man, I have forgotten all that now... been a long time.
Well then, digging out more old links here's one about local host proxy/no proxy setup, plus good explanations of many rules shown in the included screen shots,6642367 and this one, discussing specific Avast proxy which can be applied to NOD or Avira as well,13064195
I hear you. I had a lot of fun with them as well, set them up for all the machines in my house. Sadly I am with you Kerodo, I have forgotten all of them too.
You'll all remember them fast when need to setup a hand-me-down PentiumIII box with 320meg memory and Win2K or WinXP