Kerio 2.1.4

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by Lee, Apr 20, 2003.

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  1. Lee

    Lee Guest

    A while back I downloaded a copy of Kerio pf beta, Two weeks ago I switched from ZA to Kerio 2.1.4 because ZA slowwwwwd my connection down, not only is KPF easier on my system it does a better job at protection. So here it is - why have the owners of Kerio changed a perfect firewall into some thing so big with a different interface, OK, if the new firewall has more things in it (sandbox etc) I can live with the size increase but would it have been better to leave the current look and feel of KPF as it is and made it more stronger, maybe email and privacy are the area,s the owner,s should look into. o_O

    Many Thanks

  2. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    The development of KPF v3 beta is stopped : they are working on v3.5
  3. CrazyM

    CrazyM Firewall Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    BC, Canada
    If you are happy with KPF 214 then stick with it for now. It is a very solid firewall.

    I only took a quick look at one of the original beta 3.x
    There were a number of things they were working on improving/changing, the interface being one. Other things were being looked at for rules handling, IDS, better program control, etc.

    Development has stopped on the 3.x beta. Initial indications were they were starting over on a v3.5, but the latest is that the next beta/version will be labelled v4.x and may make an appearance next month sometime. We will all have to wait and see where the developers take KPF with this release.


  4. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    One thing to keep in mind Lee is that all firewalls will probably eventually go to some type of sandbox. It is the only known method right now of dealing with leak test type exploits as far as I know. Although I am not aware of any serious exploits floating around that use any of the leak test methods, it is bound to happen.
    Even M$s new OS Longhorn is based on a sandbox type principle I believe.
    I hate bloat as much as anybody else does, but there is a difference between bloat and added functionality.
    As CrazM says, we will just have to wait and see how Kerio shakes out. The last time I looked at Kerio was some time ago, but it was a powerful firewall and if you like it and it works well for you, try the improvements and see how they work for you.
    Just one more thought to add to this discussion. The world of security is much like the world of Electronic Counter Measures. The bad guys develope a new technology and the good guys develope technologies to combat that. Then the bad guys work to overcome that, and then the good guys respond with more new technology. It's a never ending escallation of security measures and counter security measures.
    Programs will grow in size and interfaces will change unfortunately.
  5. _anvil

    _anvil Guest

    What about 'OptixLiteFWB', 'InstitutionFWB', 'Assasin2',...?
    At least these few backdoor trojans can bypass "simple" firewalls, by using different leaktest methods. :eek:
  6. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest

    Tested version 3.006 beta....didn't notice any major resourse useage.....larger size yes 4mb....did find a minor bug which had nothing to do with the actual protection the firewall offered.......not worthy of mentioning really......
    the comments offered here by others were on point of course. In my weaken state its rather difficult for me to offer long rationals, however, on the point of sandbox useage......which my friend Root so well related an to which I fully agree. ..........time and time again its the sandbox that proved a real yet, would be curious to see how many users use a sandbox..........
    Kerio 2.1.4 plus the use of a sandbox remains up to par an certainly should not be discarded on a would apply that statement to all the known rule set firewalls of today...........basically, imho, many users are relieing just on firewalls forgetting that even firewalls need to be protected..........until the firewall vendors can meet present day needs its up to each user to learn/use other means that enhance firewall protection
    Kerio...LookNStop...Outpost...Sygate......all great firewalls...........alittle effort on the part of a user makes them "protected" firewalls.....a major oversight by many users........
    The Snowman
  7. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    And never forget to password protect your FW and your AV ;)
  8. Lee

    Lee Guest

    Another thing about KPF is that if they change the interface a lot of user's might not like it and the end result is that it might have to be changed back again at a later date, I dont know for sure but it seems to be the case with ZA, or so it is rumoured.

    Lee o_O
  9. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    I've recently switched to Kerio 2.14 from 1.5 years of Sygate, its going goog so far just using the 'learning mode'.
    So far so good, and less memory useage than Sygate too

    Edit, just gone back to Sygate, same as last time I used Kerio, something I'm running doesn't like it, frequent lock-ups and non responding pc :doubt:
  10. the Tester

    the Tester Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2002
    The Gateway to the Blue Hills,WI.
    I installed Kerio 3b6 and ran that firewall for a few weeks.

    I have heard about the future beta version 4.
    If it has some of the features that I saw in that 3b6 version it should be a very good firewall.

    I agree that with up-coming betas from Kerio it's hard to guess what it will really look like as far as size or features.3b6 as already noted, has been abandoned for the newer beta.It's anybody's guess.

    Rather than waiting for another beta I am trialing LnS.

    Kerio 2.1.4. I like the best of the free firewalls that I used.
  11. InsaneJester

    InsaneJester Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2003
    indeed kerio is a hot little wall :)
    its good to see small software thees days everything is so damn bloated
  12. virtually

    virtually Guest

    Well there are some vulnerabilities detected, I don't know if they fixed it already.

    For more information;

    for dutch readers

    Hi virtually, I shortened your link.;)
  13. InsaneJester

    InsaneJester Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2003
    good to know :)
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