Just a question about Maxthon web browser..

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by aacm, Dec 3, 2005.

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  1. aacm

    aacm Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Hello everyone I want to know if Maxthon is better than FireFox, and I hear is great browser and If is secure like FF.
  2. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    Maxon is basically just a shell for Internet explorer. Which leaves the IE security and exploit problems still there. And no it is not as secure as firefox or opera or netscape.
  3. aacm

    aacm Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Thanks for your advice I always appreciated your input and my respect. Thanks for your fast respond.
  4. Q Section

    Q Section Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2003
    Headquarters - London & Field Offices -Worldwide
    Maxthon has built-in settings that prevent certain kinds of malware infection and hence is more secure than IE. Maxthon automatically blocks BHO's and has an active X Blocker among several of the security features not found in IE. For more information you may wish to visit the Official Maxthon Forum.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2005
  5. securityx

    securityx Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    With all the Firefox extensions, that blow my mind away, I can't understand the appeal of anything else. I would consider Opera, but just an IE shell like Maxthon? No thanks. With the security of Firefox and the ability to do everything but cook breakfast with their extensions, I am a happy FF camper!
  6. Iainbanks

    Iainbanks Guest


    I'm sick and tired of people repeating over and over again how secure maxthon is compared to IE.

    All these people who talk about how secure maxthon is, don't really understand that all those features touted like activex blocker are already in Windows XP SP2, or superficial ones like the BHO blocker, any common antispyware guard software these days looks out and warns about BHOs, so that's hardly a big feature. Even in IE XP SP2 you can easily disable any BHO you don't want. And security exploits don't need BHOs anyway that's irrelevant.

    Tell me does Maxthon protect you from critical exploits like http://www.websensesecuritylabs.com/alerts/alert.php?AlertID=347 ?

    At best Maxthon makes it easier to turn off activex, it might be immune by chance to some phishing tricks because it uses tabs, but when it comes to the fundemental serious critical exploits, Maxthon is as vulnerable as IE.

    Or occasionally (actually once I know of only) the maxthon author might respond with some simple band-aid before MS comes up with a patch for a zero day announced, but 99% of the time this doesn't happen. For example
    this time maxthon users are equally vulnerable as IE users.

    Of course maxthon users can turn off activescripting, but so can IE users.

    People blindly mouthing the mantra that Maxthon is safer than IE, or "has built-in settings that prevent certain kinds of malware infection and hence is more secure than IE" is doing a diservice to others.
  7. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    One of the main features of Firefox are the Extensions and one of the major claims made for FF is that it is "more secure" than IE, yet, almost everytime FF undergoes an upgrade, half of my security extensions stop working for a while until the developers of those particular Extensions "catch up". I can only wonder what the IE bashers would say about IE if Microsoft ran things that way. Extensions are undeniably one of the most fun things about FF, they are a real blast, but they are also starting to reveal themselves to be the "weak link" at least as far as keeping a browser running smoothly and with any continuity in certain areas of security. I don't care whose fault it is, the extension authors or Mozilla's, but it's a "sloppy" way of running things and it is starting to erode away much of the original charm that Firefox had for me.

  8. rdsu

    rdsu Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2003
    Totally right :) And Maxthon prevents and fix some vunerabilities discovered on IE...

    The best thing in Maxthon are that have a lot of great features and is stable, when Firefox need a lot of extensions and became unstable...

    The only problems is that need the IE kernel, but maybe the new version of IE will be much better in all the aspects... ;)
  9. aacm

    aacm Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Those are great comments people. You guys have great knowledge about this browsers and I am getting educate from your comments, thanks again all of you.
    Looks like this question is very interest, and important in order to have some knowledge about all this browsers, and choose the most "secure", in this world of spyware, worms, trojans etc..
    Thanks ....
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