The company I work for got us a subscription to books 24/7. One of the books "malware analyist cookbook, tools and techniques for fighting malware code" really had me on the edge of my chair. I was reading about how malicious js code can be injected into PDFs. Right when I clicked on the next page NOD ESET 32 poped up saying the link to the website has been dropped. I forgot what Js backdoor that NOD stopped from installing on my system. Tried 3 other times same thing happens on the same page. I notified their tech support....anyway till they get the online book repaired, so whats the deal about js code in PDFs and how to remove malicious code from the pdf....or/and how to test for it.
Most PDF readers have options to disable javascript entirely (or at least Foxit reader has that option). I don't know if you can remove javascripts from pdf files.