ISAlliance Releases New Security Guide

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by discogail, Feb 9, 2003.

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  1. discogail

    discogail Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    .......Releases New Security Guide Aimed at Protecting Home and Individual Users

    "We're all linked together through this marvelous invention called the Internet ... with very powerful personal computers," ..."If that computer is not adequately protected from intrusions, that computer can literally be turned into a weapons system."

    The nine recommendations are divided into seven basic actions and two advanced actions. The seven basic actions are the following:

    Install and use antivirus programs.

    Keep your system patched.

    Use care when reading e-mail with attachments.

    Install and use a firewall program.

    Make backups of important files and folders.

    Use strong passwords.

    Use care when downloading and installing programs.

    The two more advanced actions:

    Install and use a hardware firewall.

    Install and use and file encryption program and access controls.

    The entire guide...Common Sense Guide for Home and Individual Users
    Recommended Actions for Information Security
    1 st Edition – February 2003
    is available in PDF format.......


    "Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly"

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