Is this any good?? Has anyone tried it?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Straight Shooter, Jan 23, 2003.

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  1. I was over at Staples last night and now they're carrying this... SmithMicro Speed and Security Package.. Here is the link...

    Has anyone used it? I see the av is basically F-Prot, but the firewall, I never heard of it before..

    Does anyone have any impressions??


    - Tagged the link, and what a huge link it is, too ;)
  2. *Ari*

    *Ari* Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    Straight Shooter,
    a good question......never heard about that but have you heard about this?:

    Named AntiVir, freeware with support....

  3. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    Hey Straight shooter,was asking that on another thread last week , but no one had heard of it , I stumbled on it while at F pro anti virus page. It looks an interesting suite. I donot think there is a trial versiopn though , so one has to pay $49 up front. It would be interesting to to hear if smiths firewall is any good , as everyone seems to say the F Pro antivirus is very good .
  4. Yes I have, and I test drove the American Version of it, named "Vexira".. It was not up to par for what I liked..If you want, go to CNET and check my review (do a search for "Vexira".. I just wasn't crazy about it.. It did not seem well put together, besides, I couldn't even use it on my laptop.. and I have WinXP Home, 512K Mem
  5. *Ari*

    *Ari* Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    "CheckIt® Speed & Security Internet Suite"
    Sounds pretty, not complaining the price....there is one but...isn´t it better if all of features were standalone ones ? Firewall, AV, etc.

  6. :eek:

    After the "punishment" I went through in "Suite" programs a couple of years ago, I would be the last one to recommend one..

    It's just that I never heard of Checkit! Firewall before. It sounds like "Manna from Heaven" from the write up.. And here we are at Wilders, #1 Security Information Site in the world, and we never even heard of it! LOL!
    (I'm just kidding..)

    F-Prot is decent enough, but I am NOT looking to replace my Av. I use Kerio now for a firewall, but I haven't seen an update in months.. I really don't care about updates if it works right, which to me it does... ZAPro was VERY nice, but I wanted something less memory intensive.. However, I may go back to it if it will help me pass the test in another thread to disguise my IP address (I don't think it will..) I just saw it at Staples and I talked to the saleman, who told me they were "flying" off the shelves! Are these folks getting something decent? Now I'm a crusader, I guess... :rolleyes:
  7. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    You know its like being a kid in a lollie shop , standing outside in my bare feet , watchin all the "lucky ones " able to afford all the really nice lollies . Someone keeps saying in their threads "the truth is out there " and you know it is . Its standing in your bare feet watching the sun rise . Listening to the birds sweetly singing. Watching the colours of an evening sky . Listening to the sound of the rain on the grass. Watching the snowflakes drifting from the heavens. Its strange isnt it , we make our reality what we choose . Sometimes our reality becomes so focused on a little screen in front of us and we think the whole world is gonna cave in if we get wacked by some illusive virus or cookie lol. In fact our major focus becomes so obsorbed by these issues that its kind of hard to switch off the box and listen to the Sun as it courses thru space . or the sound of light as it twinkles in the night sky ,Its so easy for us to become lost in the things that , when its all said an done , are so much a creation of mans games. Sorry about my afternoon rant lol. but its a "hidden virus " that consumes our :) minds . There :cool: I feel better now . Whilst i listen to the rain and think about my own balance .
  8. Yeah, but the last virus attack that I did not detect over a year ago cost me almost $4,500 !!! NOW YOU SEE WHY I'M AT WILDERS!! !
    :D :D :D
  9. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    You have reason to sleep here my friend! Get your blanket and join us! :D

  10. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    There some nice Strawberry cakes from ten foreward left over from dinner :)
  11. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York

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