Is there a users manual for TDS-3?

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by coolartist, Oct 8, 2002.

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  1. coolartist

    coolartist Registered Member

    Oct 6, 2002
    Anybody know where the manual is for this awesome product.It's great but I need a users manual..thanks
  2. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Have you downloaded trial ?
    Help button will bring the most extensive help file ( i should say manual) i've encountered with any program.
  3. coolartist

    coolartist Registered Member

    Oct 6, 2002
    the help file only tells me what things are...not how and when and why or where to impliment them.It would be great to find some material that would tell me why to do this or next do this if you want to accomplish this... type stuff.
  4. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    :) Hi coolartist!

    As far as I know there is no manual yet for TDS-3. Have you tried FanJ's configuration? It does tell you what it is and what it does and how to implement it. See this LINK!

    Hope this helps! :)
  5. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    The Helpfile is when printed out over 300 pages, i would call that a manual. It does give extensive background info on how and why. It's real study material and takes a while.
    If there would be a diferent "quick" version with the eval (which i really doubt) then from the download page would be the helpfile available another time.
  6. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    lol only person that come close to makeing a newby guide in simple to understand layman terms for tds is fan j=)

    thoe only person that made is so easy i could understand it lol most people blind me with 1000 words of text that simply translates to check this box lol.

    i like easy translations click here click there your done.

    you every try to read that tds help mes lol i end up waking to a keybord with my salivah all over it cause i feel alsleep reading it lol.

    actualy that is a true story lol.

    nope i dont even bother with advance configurations or port thingys ecct ect cause no ones made a newby guide in lay man terms straight to the point.

    still tds is the best trojan detector in the world id read fan j two post on this tds forum and usealy thats all you need as a newby but if you want to get hard core and do the port stuff and the plugins i sugest geting a degree in mit lol

    Read more:

  7. coolartist

    coolartist Registered Member

    Oct 6, 2002
    25's kinda like buying a mechanics manual to rebuild an engine.The publisher has written it for *mechanics* when it gives directions on which steps to take to change out a piston it assumes that you know exactly what it is talking about and are a master mechanic already and already know all the tiny steps inbetween...lmao..hey don't get me wrong...I love all this stuff....It's just kinda hard to learn all the inns and outs when you are under attack too at the same time and know zilch....and have to connect to the internet and badger the poor people who do know and when you connect your getting messed with by the trojan....<dark circles under eyes> computer used to be so much fun....and then one day I opened up that door with the DO NOT ENTER SIGN....and found the gremlin put up the sign!!!!! All this and I dont even hardly know how to make a new folder...LMAO..
  8. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    yup thats how i feel but wilders is number one place to get answers lol

    its realy the most informitive place i been and newby frindly.

    lol i hate to put fan j on the spot lol i might embaress him but lol.

    i relly wish tds had him write up a tds manuel covering everthing like he posted in geting started with tds.

    if i had real money id pay him to do it lol.

    reason why i say that is cause the more easyer things are to use the more newbys like me and you will buy.

    and the more fun it is
  9. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    And before we understand it all there comes a new version or other tool beside it :)

    There is an easy step-by-step part leading to the first scan in the Helpmanual, and we can dig deeper for why this and why not that in all the explanation.

    You've noticed even in the first steps and basic configurations there are points of different views/opinions, so that is why you need the further and deeper explanations to be able to understand what you're wanting the system really to do for you.
    Fortunately the program is not just imponing new users, also the trojans and worms we want to fight with it And don't forget TDS keeps us in the drivers seat in that action!
    Isn't that a way to get your drivers licence? :D
  10. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi coolartist,

    Just start at the beginning. In the beginning there is no need to understand in one hour everything TDS-3 can do for you. Just use it as an excellent Anti-Trojan program.
    After some time you have used it, you can start to dig a little bit further, one step at a time.
    Most important thing to start with: did you managed to get it running? Were you able to configure it like I described?
    If not, please ask! Did you got problems with the basic configuration, and if so: where and what problems?
    Always give your OS (like Windows 98 or ME or XP) when you ask questions about it.
    As Jooske said, there are slightly different ways to configure some options. When you start using TDS-3 that might not be so important for the time being; that might come later.
    So, to be short, tell us where you have troubles with the basic configuration and we all will try to help you through it.
  11. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    i thik we should all wait till tds 4 comes out then start from scratch
  12. zappa

    zappa Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Los Angeles, Ca.
    Yea, I have one. I printed out the entire Help Manual File. It was like three reams of 81/2 by 11 paper. It is so thick I was going to get it bound but then I figured TDS4 would come out and make it recyclable material.
  13. coolartist

    coolartist Registered Member

    Oct 6, 2002
    thats hilarious Zappa!
  14. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Blaze,

    I'm sorry but I think that's not fair for this excellent program.
    Of course there is free speech, but there is also something like putting here in every possible thread a posting about TDS-4....... May I kindly ask you to stop doing so. TDS-4 will come out when DiamondCS thinks it is ready. Until that moment it is useless to post tens and tens of postings about it.

    Thanks, Jan.
  15. coolartist

    coolartist Registered Member

    Oct 6, 2002
    I think I've got something figured out finally to give me piece of mind anyway till I can learn to run all this EVIDENCE down.I just registered TDS-3 so now I can just let it run in the background.I guess it won't matter what's sneaking around on my system as long as it can't get started up right?
    The way I understand it...and I have full quick as TDS nailed that trojan operating so brazenly that Pest Patrol and Trojan Hunter couldn't find...that no matter what is lurking on my machine till I can run it down...if it tries to crank up TDS will KILL it!!! So I'm gonna relax and go back to soon as I get my key anyway..LMAO!!! I'm also installing a Linksy's router/firewall in front of my system which is also protected(recently)with a Look'nStop firewall.
    The Linksy router the way I understand it is completely invisible to scanners.Somebody correct me if I'm wrong...but I think that even if you have an active trojan listening on an open port...if the weasle trying to contact it can't get a reply....he can't make a that correct?
    The two firewalls may be overkill....but I've already got Look'nStop and it will block anything you throw at it but I'm still visible somehow and I'm getting all kinds of things thrown at me....untill two weeks ago I was just a humble little commercial artist minding his own business....and suddenly finding myself thrust in the middle of hightech...mind start registries and queso attacks and computer connecting to itself...trojan warfare...clez@hamm32's....I didn't even know what windows explorer was or where to find it...I just quietly plugged away at my corel 8 program thinking I was totally in control....ha hahahhahah!!!! :rolleyes: Now I'm taking crash live or die courses in tcp and udp and icmp packets and whats supposed to be in my startup and whats not and whats supposed to be listening and on what ports and net bios and http and imap and smtp mail server and fingers and what goes in and out of port 80 and 5000 and what is an unnassigned port and a reserved port....what is suspicious and what isnt!!! :eek: YIKES...and trying to do sign layouts and figure all this out with no sleep till 4:00 in the morning every day and I have no choice till I get to the bottom of all this...and I ask a lot of stupic questions cause I'm so tired and can't hardly think....LMAO....and I am a totally left brained artist.All this stuff is not what my brain was set up for...but hey..ya gotta do what ya gotta do when ya gotta do's all overwhelming ..but I'm starting to get an overview anyway....this is all actually quite funny....I'm almost a qualified net tech security administrator for a Corel 8 program.... Ya Hoooooooooooo :D
  16. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    LOL i love you Fan J but for the first time im going have to disagree with you hope you dont mind im very opnionated lol should that by now lol=)

    will i havnt metion TDS-4 for awhile now except for my prank lol which got wiped out but i expected that no bigy and no hard feelings either.

    TDS-4 is a hot topic and it has seriouse merit here with this subject.

    think about it you as a newby buy tds-3 actualy take time to read all the help files which most newbys actualy atempt to understanding it fully is another thing.

    your already you familiarize your self with it only to find out next week tds-4 comes out.

    im not sure if anybody here has gone threw this situation when you get familiar and comfteriable with a paticuler program and all of the sudden everything is changed and turnd upside dowen and you have to start all over algain it sucks.

    yes tds is an excellent program but i wouldnt recomend it to any newbys

    it is fair to mention tds-4 because i belive galvin and wayne have mention that the new tds-4 will be way better and newby frindly.

    for newbys i recomend boclean then when tds-4 comes out buy it but how it stands now it be like jumping in to a tank and the only newby frindly text on help worth reading on tds-3 is what you wrote fan-j=)

    belive it or not i think your help file is what might had sold more tds-3 because you made it easy to understand
    on geting started but tds-3 has so many extra features from script to ports to plug ins to actualy makeing it work by voice command which joosky can do that to me.

    it be unfair for a fresh newb to pay 50 bucks and not be able to run all the bells and whistles

    so i sugest waiting for tds-4 but if your like me and you must have the very best and cant wait by all means by tds-3.

    thats what i was trying to get at
  17. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    MrBlaze, you're doing yourself a lot short this moment.
    I think you know a lot of things about computers and internet as well as TDS rather well.
    So you know if there is netstat in the one and it is used from MSDOS prompt or from TDS or from whatever function or program, it is still the same basic netstat, but TDS-3 has buildin a couple of extras to manage the results and maybe TDS-4 will have a couple of new toyus in that area, i can'ty tell you, but it still is the same netstat, yes?
    And so there are some 50 tools more to learn to work with. Just meaning to say, the time is not wasted, the contrary, it will help you to compare the new one and to understand more easily what you might expect from new functions and a lot might be the technology in our system we might not even see from the outside or with buttons at all.
    So all your time with study and reading the Helpfile is not wasted, as it gives so much background info, more then just "press button this " and "configure that" which is nice in the first pages about the configuration and "My first scan!" but after you get the info why and what you're doing. So that technical education you take with you for the next stage once it's possible.
    So dare to use the functions and i would wait myself with buying any other product at this moment, if you have read Wayne's explanation some time ago for what's in the build, just do have a look around to trial /evaluation versions of other security software if you need /like , but in the meantime watch closely what is coming for testing on our systems which can't be long from now.
    I'm happy to get a thoroughly tested part for beta-testing without any danger for my system as it is or without tens or hundreds of bugfixes because of too early releases.
    Remember Wayne wrote about three new products at a time and not to forget WormGuard 4 as well and who knows what is more in the build which is not told even in the private forum yet.
    So happy study with the manual and some scripting and voice congtrol in the meantime.
    If you're still on your XP system, you have voice control built in, and if you want to use the LiveActors or MSAgents you know you need to grab the SAPI4 runtimes beside it to use on your system.
    Change some text in your MrBlaze name change SS3 file and run it.
  18. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Hi Coolartst,

    Here is a tip for the Linksys:Jan,
    You have the facility to use the DMZ & port forwarding you can create a "black hole" by putting a local address such as or any non existent address on your network in the DMZ.
    Then port forward 80 to this address, all incoming scans or unwanted packets are then routed to this "black hole".

    Works really well with the Linksys and using WallWatcher
    you can see all the bugbear probes etc (137) being directed to the non existent address.

    I use Sygate Pro 5 as my software firewall this is mainly to allow me to decide what leaves my PC. .e Outbound packets.

    As you know TDS3 is an on demand scanner but does include Execution Protection which, when installed i.e resident, watches for any naughties if they try to start.

    From the help file

    Execution protection is a unique system exclusive to TDS-3 and DiamondCS WormGuard that uses a non-resident hook which allows TDS-3 to intercept and scan files as they are executed (but before they are loaded) and actually prevent infection by blocking/aborting the execution if the file was deemed harmful. As the hook is non-resident it uses no extra memory or resources, and it isn't susceptible to the TerminateProcess issue that virtually all other hook mechanisms are susceptible to.

    How does it work? When you execute a file, the operating system - before it even loads the file - asks the DiamondCS execution hook "Allow this file to continue processing?", and then waits for a Yes/No response from the hook. This allows TDS-3 to scan inside the file and abort the execution if the file is deemed dangerous or has been identified as a trojan.

    HTH Pilli
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