Is MSE enough?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by berryracer, Apr 20, 2012.

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  1. berryracer

    berryracer Suspended Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Dubai, UAE
    Recently Ditched Kaspersky Internet Security because their customer service is horrible and if you post anything on their forums their moderator richbuff would delete the thread immediately if he doesn't like it or have a solution.

    Anyway, I am not using Microsoft Security Essentials x64 and was wondering

    Is it enough along with the Windows Firewall? I don't go to fishy sites or use any cracks or illegal software

    I own a MBAM Pro license but was contemplating whether or not to install it because I don't want to hurt my system's performance so...

    1) Is it a good idea to run MBAM along with MSE and setup the exclusions or is it overkill really to run 2 live scanners?

    2) What would MBAM catch that MSE might miss? I know MSE is an antivirus but what about MBAM exactly? Anti-Malware, what is the diff. to me as a user at the end of the day?

    3) what sort of performance hit am I expected to take should I choose to install my MBAM Pro?

    PS: PLEASE don't tell me to install MSE on demand scanner only because it has never or ever found anything on my system. Not saying it's bad, its just that as I said I only have genuine software and dont visit fishy sites so running the on demand scanner is useless, but I did like the active monitoring as it scans outgoing connections from some apps or sites for example
  2. steve1955

    steve1955 Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2004
    Sunny(in my dreams)Manchester,England
    richbuff has nothing to do with the Kaspersky company ,just the forum and well known for deleting posts he doesn't like or agree with,but as a product you will be hard pressed to find anything to offer better protection and always found their customer service team here in the UK very helpful,not saying this because I use Kaspersky(I don't)I am because it is true from my experience
  3. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    I am using MSE 4.0 Beta,Its light and stable.According to testing MSE 3.0 test scores come in lower then other third party AV,but MSE also comes in best at low to no False positives.

    IMO IF you use MSE with MBAM reatime you be pretty good.MBAM does much better catching rogues then any AntiVirus that I know of and teamed up together would just complement each other.If you like you can use Hitman pro for OD scans.
  4. ams963

    ams963 Registered Member

    May 3, 2011
    Parallel Universe
    I agree :thumb:.......
  5. trjam

    trjam Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2006
    North Carolina USA
    When V4 is released by Microsoft and is finally tested by major test sites, it will rank very close to the top. I would say it is pretty close to matching Eset right now in detection, while in beta.
  6. 3x0gR13N

    3x0gR13N Registered Member

    May 1, 2008
    Yes, but add sandboxie as good addition.
    Btw, you can write over PM what your problem with KIS was.
    I would say A vs B. ;)
  7. Techfox1976

    Techfox1976 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    I could chime in with the standard "Oh, I use XYZ and it's the best", but I won't.

    Is it enough? Depends on what's enough. Is it 100% protection? Nothing is.

    All anybody can do is reduce the likelihood of having a problem, not remove the possibility altogether. So go for whatever is best for you in balance. Realtime monitoring will always cause an impact, no way around it. Holes in third party programs will leave stuff open. How much computer resource impact do you want to deal with? 10% recourse loss for 98% protection? 20% for 99.7% protection "In Tests"? I've got enough VMs to make my computer cry, and I guarantee that every day I can find an infection that -nothing- catches.

    Not going to unsafe sites is good, but not perfect either. Malware-laced ads have gotten past the systems even at major sites like SQL injections can make hundreds of thousands of safe sites suddenly become unsafe.

    So my professional opinion is that "MSE is not enough", but you may have all the bases covered already. Update Java, Flash Player, and Reader. If you run Skype, update it. Update Windows. Inconveniences, since they require action, but that's the downside of the balance. Security is always an inconvenience, even if it's hopefully a tiny one.

    I personally am quite pleased with Webroot SecureAnywhere and Windows Firewall. Not the best scores on the official tests, but I can say that it doesn't impact my computer at all, and it's successfully caught things that none of the other packages even blink at. Best part is that when I managed to sneak a pretty serious infection past it, a quick note to Webroot support got it fully fixed in a bit under an hour with the tech just looking at the infection from their cloud system and marking it bad.

    The end result though is to use what's going to give you enough protection as YOU see it, without taking up more of your resources (CPU, RAM, HDD space, User attention (Click This!! Look at This!), etc) than you are willing to use.
  8. qakbot

    qakbot Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    He has EVERYTHING to do with Kaspersky. Someone at Kaspersky has given him "post delete" access, correct ? Which means that they trust him enough to handle interactions with their customers. So It does reflect (poorly) on customers. The Kaspersky forums have a LONG HISTORY of treating customers with disdain.

    You can read about another incident going way back to 2009
  9. The Seeker

    The Seeker Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2005
    With your specs, I don't see this being a problem. MBAM PRO is the perfect complement to a free AV like MSE (or avast! in my case).
  10. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    I can certainly agree with your reasons but it was still a good product. I'm sure you could get a reasonable amount of help here, but your choice either way.

    MSE detection rates are low. It has its fans. I am not one.
  11. steve1955

    steve1955 Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2004
    Sunny(in my dreams)Manchester,England
    the forum isn't run by Kaspersky,I think Don Pelotas is the controlling influence there,none of mods work for Kaspersky
  12. DavidCo

    DavidCo Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2005
    I am using the V4 Beta atm.
    The latest engine update (1.1.8304) has improved things a lot.
    My scans are much faster.

    I am not testing it against a host of 0day.
    Will wait for others:D
  13. STV0726

    STV0726 Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    I cannot answer your original question but what I can say is MSE is backed by a horrible group of individuals at MS Answers who will personally drink and serve MSE Kool Aid along with scripted support answers that which always come from the approach's not's what YOU did.

    If you want to use MSE, use it. But keep in mind:

    • Microsoft Security Essentials is NOT magically, inevitably better than other solutions being made by Microsoft.
    • Microsoft forum staff, community stars, MCCs, MVPs, etc. do NOT have the authority to public dismiss and/or insinuate that known-reputable, known-valid testing bodies (like AV-Comparatives and AV-TEST) are not valid ways to evaluate a security product. Nor should they be able to look at themselves in the mirror each morning, blaming the tests themselves for their own security product's bad performance.

    Clearly, I have had it with Microsoft Security Essentials. I won't be returning to it anytime soon until they rework their support forums and get rid of the condescending jerks that run it and give MSE a bad name. :thumbd:

    Without any doubt, I have destroyed my reputation at MS Answers, but I'd do it all over again, because I hope even just one person reads my posts and decides to not drink the MSE Kool Aid that's sprayed all over the walls at MS Answers. And if you think I am over-reacting, you should head over there yourself. The forum is filled with person after person getting infected, and the support staff do nothing but blame the people, and if you even begin to suggest MSE improve their detection rates, you have to go to the Mayo Clinic to get their MCCs/MVPs off your tail.
  14. RejZoR

    RejZoR Lurker

    May 31, 2004
    If you're not too risky user and you use other precautions (using fully updated OS and software) i'd say it is enough.
  15. Doraemon

    Doraemon Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2009
    No, it's not. But sure MBAM realtime is a nice addition. Also WSAC which is the combo I'm using right now. :D

    Also it feels nice (maybe a false sensation) to know that MSE won't RUIN your OS. I've seen so many disasters with other AV/Suites that I went back to simplicity. And MSE is all about simplicity. :D
  16. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    MSE is doing very well here.
  17. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
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