Is JS_EXCEPTION.GEN a virus in OPERA v6.02 b1090?

Discussion in 'malware problems & news' started by WE Sim, May 8, 2002.

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  1. WE Sim

    WE Sim Guest


    I just downloaded the latest dat from AVG, 199, and ran a scan but found nothing.

    Then I downloaded the latest virus dat, dated 7 May, for my Fix-It Utilities 4.0 virus scanner and it found the 'virus', JS_EXCEPTION.GEN,  in OPERA v6.02 build 1090\Cache 4\opr00FNB.htm

    Is this a false positive or a genuine virus?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Re: Is JS_EXCEPTION.GEN a virus in OPERA v6.02 b10

    It sounds like it may be picking up on text in Cache4. If that's the case, simply clearing all the cache should remove whatever's setting it off.

    Have you tried that? And re-scanned with Fix-it? Pete
  3. Marianna

    Marianna Spyware Fighter

    Apr 23, 2002
    B.C. Canada
    Re: Is JS_EXCEPTION.GEN a virus in OPERA v6.02 b10


    This Java Script (JS) Trojan changes the infected user's Internet Explorer startup page. One of this Trojan's samples (Coolsite samples) is a mass-mailer. It exploits security vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Virtual Machine. Some variants have non-destructive payloads that change the button caption, modify the appearance of Internet Explorer, and redirect links to a certain Web site.
  4. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Re: Is JS_EXCEPTION.GEN a virus in OPERA v6.02 b10

    Hey WE SIM. There are a lot of web pages around now with the JS_Exception and similar type virus. They get lodged in your cache and thats usually where they are detected. Since AVG didn't catch it at once, you might consider running FI Utils AV resident instead. It is a good AV and I use it for my backup.
    I know a lot of people use AVG because of the cost factor, but it does't fair that well on a lot of the tests I see. The AV in FI Utils doesn't score wonderfully either, but I have found it to be quite reliable.
    Just my opinion from the for what its worth category. :)
    Also Pete was right about clearing your cache. It will then be gone assuming you were not succeptable to infection and you would notice if you were.
    Hope you don't mind my comments.
  5. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Re: Is JS_EXCEPTION.GEN a virus in OPERA v6.02 b10

    Hi root,

    I don't - on the contrary  ;)


  6. WE Sim

    WE Sim Guest

    Re: Is JS_EXCEPTION.GEN a virus in OPERA v6.02 b10

    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for the advises.

    I cleared the OPERA cache and re-scan with Fix-IT Utilities's virus scanner and sure it's clean now.

    To be double-sure I ran NAV2002 with the latest virus dat dated 8 May and the system showed its clean.

    Thanks again.
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