Is it a complete dud?

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by webdev1, Oct 13, 2005.

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  1. webdev1

    webdev1 Guest

    So does this Acronis True Image 9 work properly or not?

    After hearing good reports about Acronis True Image on Whirlpool, I just today bought & downloaded version 9 (build 2,289).

    Is it a complete dud?

    It installed okay on my PC, but I have not yet attempted a Hard Disk backup.

    Does it work? What exactly are the "bugs" or "problems"?

    If it doesn't work, then the way the Acronis web site advertises this as a reliabe back-up solution is FALSE Advertising.

    Please tell me that all is now fixed & I haven't bought a lemon.

    If it is a compete dud, then what can I do now as I bought it especially to make a Hard Disk image of my new fresh setup?
  2. wdormann

    wdormann Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2004
    I'm beta testing ATI 9 build 2289, and it works great for me.
    I haven't tried any previous builds of ATI 9, so I can't comment on those.
  3. webdev1

    webdev1 Guest

    Well that is a little re-assuring anyway :)

    For a minute I thought that:
    (1) I had wasted my money &

    (2) probably more importantly, that it either wouldn't make an accurate image of my newly set-up HDD or (perhaps worse still) wouldn't restore it properly if I happen to need it.

    But really - BETA testing it? Why would this product, that people would rely on for mission critical backups, be released if it is in all honesty a BETA product?
  4. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, webdev1

    wdormann said I'm beta testing ATI 9 build 2289, which you will find has NOT been released on Acronis Update page.

    Take Care,
    TheQuest :cool:
  5. webdev1

    webdev1 Guest

    There is always one who jumps in & sticks their foot in their mouth.

    If you had even READ my first post - you will see that what I bought & downloaded today from the Acronis web site identifies itself as ATI 9 build 2289
    (Help > About > Acronis True Image verion 9.0 bulid 2,289)

    So again if this is still in BETA testing why is it releasedo_O
  6. wdormann

    wdormann Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2004
    TheQuest is completely right.

    I received build 2289 as being a participant in the Acronis beta program.
    Build 2289 is not currently listed on the updates page.

    Please be more considerate of others on here.
  7. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, webdev1

    Read my post, Big Foot.

    Take Care,
    TheQuest :cool:
  8. webdev1

    webdev1 Guest

    Well I am going to send an email to Acronis right now. Obviously someone has hijcked their web site & put up a phony copy. Either that or I have been de-frauded!!!

    I bought straight from this link image9 & paid for it on their secure site & have the registration & receipt to prove it.

    But as my written word is not to be believed here is the jpegs:

    Apologies will now be accepted.
  9. webdev1

    webdev1 Guest

    And did I say it was an update in the first place. NO!!!!

    I said I bought it today - straight from the Acronis web site.

    And I still want to know what the hell a BETA is doing being released to purchasers from the Acronis site.

    Nice back-out you guys. I said nothing about any update page at all in my original post did I? So whether it is available or not from their "updates page" has nothing what-so-ever to do with my post.

    The bottom line is that version 9 (build 2,289) is what they are releasing straight from their "Buy Now" on their site.
  10. webdev

    webdev Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Brisbane, Australia
    A web mail has now been sent to Acronis via their "Contact Us" link on their site.

    In it I was quite furious about becoming a "guinea pig" for a BETA release & I have referrenced this thread. For goodness sake how un-professional can a company be?

    Its (according to wdormann & TheQuest) not even available from their "updates page" - yet they are selling it commercially. One shudders at having confidence in this at all.

    Have I done my money? or is there a way to get a stable version (is it 8?) that will make 100% error free images of my HDD to CDs?
  11. scaa

    scaa Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    well, at this moment, the update site mentions build 2289 as the latest build.hence the copy you have is not a phony copy. I am using the earlier build without any problem. Try out yours and then contact acronis in case of problem
  12. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, webdev

    Welcome to Wilders.

    It was not on their [Acronis] Update page I posted.

    But as scaa says #2289 is there now, so as we have been Dancing [:D ] over it, they [Acronis] have now officially released it [#2289] on the update page.

    So I will install it run it, and come back later to tonight or early tomorrow morning, [as it 06:46AM here in the UK and I need some sleep] and try and help you with your problem. [if I can :) ]

    Take Care,
    TheQuest :cool:
  13. webdev

    webdev Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Brisbane, Australia
    Well the Brisbane (Australia) distributor just rang & clarified some issues.

    Firstly those who said or inferred that build 2289 is a BETA are wrong. It is now a proper release.

    Secondly, she assured me that she herself was using this release with no problems.

    Thirdly another build will probably be released in 3 or 4 days time (it is in BETA currently).

    Fourthly, (& most importantly for me), she said that I would recieve an email with instructions so that I could get the latest version 8 stable release, while things are being finalised & made rock-solid in version 9.

    Thank you very much to the lady who phoned very promply in response to my contact through the web form. You were wonderful & have given me much needed relief. This is "customer service" :)

    So once again my many thanks.
  14. webdev

    webdev Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Brisbane, Australia
    Thank you for your help "TheQuest".

    Sorry if I came across a little steamed but it has been a hell of a week starting with this last Saturday at 1am:

    So now that I have completely reset up my PC I didn't want to leave anything to chance :(

    Anyway the 'phone call from the distributor here in Brisbane, scaa's post & your last one, have all helped to restore my faith. I could also do with some sleep, as it has been a mess cleaning up & getting quotes to fix the house.

    Thanks again
  15. Shootist

    Shootist Registered Member

    Aug 14, 2005
    I suggest you take up there offer to get Version 8 and use that until 9 get a little age behind it and they work the bugs out. I bought 9 when it first came out and it has had 7 builds since it's release somewhere around 9/20/05, that is less than 1 month. Did it and does it have bugs?? Well if it didn't there wouldn't be a need to release 6 updates for it. I have stopped using 9 and gone back to 8 until 9 get finished.
  16. wbedev

    wbedev Guest

    Yeap, I have done exactly that.

    I do look forward to when ver9 is completely stable, but at least in the meantime I can now burn a reliable HDD image & have faith that it will all work okay.

    So all good :)
  17. Anon

    Anon Guest

    Hi webdev - i saw your post on WP :p

    There was another thread saying that v.289 will be out shortly a few days ago.

    I can now confirm that it is on the updates page as an official release as I have just downloaded it myself. It claims to fix the various problems with the recovery CD and errors with "corrupted images" that are not corrupt. Whether it does - time will tell - people often post their problems/comments on this forum during the first few days of release.
  18. Anon

    Anon Guest

    Second question is how do I "take up their offer" to install v.8?
  19. wdormann

    wdormann Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2004
    That would be you, webdev.

    I am part of the beta test team. Which means that I occasionally receive notifications to test upcoming versions of Acronis software. This is how I received ATI9 build 2289.

    I said "beta test" in my post because that's what I do. I received notification from the Acronis Beta Test Team, and at that time, build 2289 wasn't publicly available at the updates site, at least in the US. Whether or not you were able to acquire build 2289 by the time my post was made is irrelevant.

    You have, however, reminded me why I am no longer a regular participant on this board. Good luck.
  20. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    Off topic reply removed - let's refrain from getting personal and try to stick to the topic at hand.
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